Wolfgang von Schlavendorf
Wolfgang von Schlavendorf | |
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Biographical Information | |
Race | Jawa |
Homeworld | Tatooine |
Mother | Khea Kl'Ark (deceased) |
Father | Tteel von Schlavendorf (deceased) |
Siblings | Friedrich von Schlavendorf (deceased) |
Born | Year -8, Day 95 |
Quote | ‘The ups and downs of an economy are similar to the ups and downs of life. They are unavoidable, but what matters is your knowledge and faith to ride the ups and survive the downs.’ |
Physical Description | |
Gender | Male |
Height | 0.97 m |
Eye Color | Unknown. Yellowish Glow |
Political Information | |
Affiliation | Feri-Tryonel Corporation |
Rank | Director of Cejansij System |
Prior Affiliation | (most recent to oldest)
Wolfgang von Schlavendorf is a male Jawa who grew up on the planet of Tatooine in a sandcrawler. He is a former Director of The Galactic Stock Exchange and is currently the Director of the Cejansij System with the Feri-Tryonel Corporation.
Early Years
Born in early Year -8, Wolfgang grew up living in a sandcrawler with his family. His father, Tteel, was a trader like most Jawas, but was very successful. He met many humans during his trading, becoming completely obsessed with their culture. This obsession drove him to change his last name and name his son Wolfgang, making his wife very angry. He taught Wolfgang valuable trading skills that would benefit him later in his career and in multiple threatening situations. Besides this training, he received no real education, yet had a knack for learning information early. He spent his early teenage years trading for books and information about the governments and businesses of the galaxy. His family never approved of this as they saw it as a pursuit of useless knowledge.
Wolfgang's first deal on his own at the age of 13 resulted in his first droid that he prizes more than anything else, a RX Pilot which has never left his side and was the first of his now large collection of droids. His skilled trading caught him many lucrative deals near the age of 15 when he traded for a Sentinel Droid which protected his family multiple times later from Tusken Raiders.

At the age of 20 his life was changed forever. His father was repairing the front of a sandcrawler when the breaks gave in and he was crushed along with his brother and mother who couldn't flee in time. Wolfgang was in the middle of a trade and his desperate attempt to save his family failed. He decided to turn his back on the tragic memories of Tatooine. He negotiated the purchase of a beat up YT-1300 with the small fortune his family had made from trading and took off to explore the galaxy.
The Galactic Stock Exchange

After 2 years of exploring the galaxy Wolfgang met a Muun Businessman by the name of Ardu Nillian. He told Wolfgang of The Galactic Stock Exchange and convinced him to take up an apprenticeship under him. Wolfgang started his first official job on Year 14 Day 57 and never looked back. He worked under the great guidance of Ardu, Kiie Cristal, (huttly master) Finar Ambrose, Val Ambrose, Jorus Serto, and Lord Mustafa to learn the skills of a galactic businessman. He quickly joined the Veritas Directorate as the GSE's Division Adjunct (DivXO) under his mentor. On Year 14 Day 125 Ardu Nillian retired from the GSE and handed control over to Wolfgang.
Under Wolfgang's guidance, the GSE, still a small group, underwent substantial growth as the company's client base was expanded. Wolfgang's focus on recruitment, development of the GSE's Stock Price Index, and coordinating the construction of Trading 2 Station continued as he strove to make the GSE a major participant in the trading game. The GSE expanded into both private T2 station construction seriously for the first time under Wolfgang's leadership. Through this, profits grew and allowed the small company to achieve a stable staff of pilots and builders for the first time. Veritas leadership had considered dissolving the small company after Ardu's departure, but Wolfgang's leadership allowed the GSE to survive. The GSE's GMAP/T project, which allowed traders access to the galactic market through public trading stations, began in full force during this time and would soon become the company's greatest achievement. Wolfgang's success led to his appointment to be an advisor to the core group of the Veritas Conglomerate known as the Terrefel Reiki.
Wolfgang resigned on a temporary leave of absence from his role as GSE Director on Year 14 Day 290, handing over control to Veritas Vice-PresidentJorus Serto during the leave. He returned to full activity after his leave on Year 14 Day 316 and accepted the role of GSE Auxiliary Director (2IC). On Year 14 Day 355 he reassumed his former position of GSE Director as Jorus Serto left the company for elsewhere. He has returned his focus on recruiting and expanding the GSE's client base to allow the company to become a major competitor in the Trading Station Market. His ambitious plans for the Stock Price Index were temporarily put on hold, but had been brought back to the forefront with Wolfgang hoping to bring a new service to the galaxy that no other company can provide.
On Year 15 day 56, Wolfgang was appointed as Veritas Press's 3IC/Chief Project Coordinator by Veritas Chairman Lord Mustafa, but he did not hold the position for long. On Year 15 Day 76, Wolfgang resigned from his position as Director of the GSE.
Industrial Automaton and The New Republic
After a few months of failed personal endeavors to create his own droid company, Wolfgang's friend, Het Patchateeka of FreiTek Inc, contacted him about possible positions within the nationalized companies within New Republic. Following his love of droids, Wolfgang joined New Republic's droid company, Industrial Automaton, on Year 15 Day 158 and became 3IC of production. The endeavor again was not very successful as Wolfgang took multiple months off for personal reasons and left the company upon his return.
Returning to The Galactic Stock Exchange
On Year 15 Day 311, Wolfgang decided to return to his old company, The Galactic Stock Exchange, to work under his friend and now Director, Zingari Rognir. Though even returning members were expected to start at the bottom, Zingari generously granted Wolfgang the position of Senior Trader (V-4 tier, V-7 is Director). Wolfgang graciously accepted and again put his focus upon working towards the top.
Wolfgang had to get back into the flow of T2 building, but after a few minor mistakes he completed multiple more T2s during his run as a Senior Trader. On Year 15 Day 353 Director Zingari Rognir appointed Wolfgang to the position of Auxiliary Director once again. The appointment was an attempt to take some weight off of the successful Director's shoulders. He replaced interim Auxiliary Director Viki Riki. Wolfgang steadily recreated the SPI on the side, with hopes of it coming to fruition in the future. Wolfgang also used his trading skills on the galactic market to gather extensive assets and even his first city on the side. He became Director of the GSE for the third time on Year 15 Day 37.
A New Path

After taking a personal leave of absence for multiple months, Wolfgang announced his departure from the GSE on Year 17 Day 33. He officially joined the Feri-Tryonel Corporation as a Technician 1st Class, a position in which his technical skills would come in handy. As the company offered Wolfgang freedom to find gaps in the market and commission, Wolfgang was able to use his previous trading skills to the advantage of the company and himself.
Soon he was promoted to be Director of the Cejansij system for Feri-Tryonel.
Wolfgang can be seen wearing a simple robe like the average Jawa. He carries his Datapad and multiple tools in a messenger back slung over his shoulder with his Jawa Ionisation Blaster always nearby. His bright yellow-glowing eyes shine from underneath his hood and are the only distinguishable feature on his face. People don't admire his Jawa-like smell, but he recognizes his race and hopes to show the galaxy what Jawas can really do.
Important Assets

Wolfgang's trading and diplomacy skills have allowed him to acquire a large collection of droids while continuing the success of his company. His training in piloting and repair have allowed him to have considerable success traveling the galaxy and earning extra side money when it was required. He has also created an extensive droid collection of which is his pride and joy. His dream is to collect at least one of every type of droid. He currently has 33 types of droids. Many of these droids are unique and he's been known to spend extensive amounts of money to snatch a rare droid he wants.
His first ship, a YT-1300, the [WvS] Feuerpfeil (Fire Arrow), has been with him since he left Tatooine and continues to be a prized possession of his. He also owns his own BFF-1 Bulk Freighter for hauling along with a ETA-2 Actis-class Light Interceptor, the [WvS] Geheimnisvollen Schmetterling (Mysterious Butterfly). He also owns his own Sandcrawlers in which he stores his many items gathered over the years.
As a partner of the Veritas Conglomerate, Wolfgang also owns one share of both Veritas Press and The Galactic Stock Exchange.
Abilities and Personality
Wolfgang's skills range from management skills in the corporate environment to building massive space stations. Wolfgang is a skilled barterer and negotiator to get that trade deal for the company or himself. Though he prefers management, he is also a skilled pilot, builder, and even has a bit of factory experience. He has been known to forget his workers on the way to a build though, and multiple instances of things taking too long have resulted from his hastiness.
Within Veritas, he is known for his trusty trout which he uses as his weapon to keep employees and friends in line. Multiple people have messed with his trout in the past. Reports say they have never been seen again.
Personality wise Wolfgang is light-hearted and outgoing. He loves to have fun with and occasionally joke with his co-workers and friends, namely his former 2iC Curtner Seaton, former 2iC Solegot Solus, former Veritas EIC Khorde Devarian (deceased), Veritas CEO Kiie Cristal, former Veritas Vice-President Jorus Serto (deceased), His Huttly Master Finar Ambrose (deceased), Neria Derycke, and his Jawa friends Uli-ah Gafsa (deceased) and Het Patchateeka. His goal is to bring energy and excitement to a conversation or trade and enthusiastically works with clients to make sure the job is done right in whatever he is doing.
Director of The Galactic Stock Exchange (Year 14 Day 125 - Day 290, Year 14 Day 356 - Year 15 Day 76)
3IC/Chief Project Manager of Veritas Press (Year 15 Day 56 - Year 15 Day 76)
Partner of the Veritas Conglomerate (1% owner)
Notable Positions and Titles
Director of Cejansij System (Feri-Tryonel) | ||
Preceded By: N/A |
Director Year 17 Day 79-Present |
Succeeded By: N/A |
Director of The Galactic Stock Exchange | ||
Preceded By: Ardu Nillian Jorus Serto |
Director Year 14 Day 125-Year 14 Day 290 Year 14 Day 355-Year 15 Day 76 |
Succeeded By: Jorus Serto Curtner Kalson |
Auxiliary Director of The Galactic Stock Exchange | ||
Preceded By: N/A N/A
Auxiliary Director Year 14 Day 77-Year 14 Day 125 Year 14 Day 316-Year 14 Day 355
Succeeded By: Solegot Solus Curtner Kalson