Chokk Ovin Jix

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Chokk Ovin Jix
Biographical Information
Race Klatooinian/Falleeen
Homeworld Klatooine
Mother Dathada Ovin
Father Ba'adblood Jix
Siblings Barada Ovin(deceased), Ximaro Jix, Xakic Jix(deceased), Xerik Jix, Xabull Jix
Physical Description
Gender Male
Coloring brown with a reddish tint
Eye Color dark brown
Political Information
Affiliation Zann Consortium
Rank Shateigashira/Immortal
 positions = Black Hood
Prior Affiliation Dread

The Beginning

This individual is the byproduct of a year long tryst between a Falleen security contractor of the Hutt Cartel and a buxom Klatooinian cantina owner. The boy had little recollection of his father besides his namesake surname. But he had a fighting aptitude like his father and became a delinquent despite of his keen intellect. The youngster was known for participating in illegal youth pit-fight tournaments or running secret sabaac games during class-studies, just to mention a few things before age thirteen. Eventually his mother was able to channel his energy and scraped together enough credits to send him to a boys academy for secondary school education.

Lost Innocence

As fate would have it... the uprising against the Hutt's began the day of his graduation and he and his brother Barada volunteered to become skirmishers for Fountain Security Forces. Some time later the Galactic Alliance became involved since the skirmishers had gained some notiriety fending off their troops trying to steal from the Fountain in forays in and around around the Derelkos desert. This made them secretly "Wanted" while the GA publicly tried to negotiate peace with Klatooine, other former Hutt enslaved planets and the Hutts themselves. Eventually the Galactic Alliance forces arrested Barada and some of his crewe aboard a small frigate. After interrogation by a Rebel Captain, Barada refused to talk. The captured ship inexplicably exploded shortly after the Galactic Alliance Captain's departure. Barada Ovin was killed along with the entire crew of the frigate. Following his death the mantle of leadership for the Resistance fighters passed to Chokk Ovin. Barada's death served as fuel for Chokk's anger against politicians/governments with few exceptions. Chokk took the band of freedom fighters offworld as a mercenary group and renamed them Ovin's Sandpanthers.


Ovin's Sandpanthers quietly worked the spacelanes for sometime keeping an ever watchful eye for Galactic Alliance, Trade Federation, and Imperial Union patrols while conducting raids on ships, establishments, companies, and stations. His infamy grew and came to the attention of the Krestviniic of the Zann Consortium crime syndicate and an individual named Shane Tayjer contacted him. There was a conference between the three where an agreement was made to merge Ovin's Sandpanthers with a newly formed group of pirates known simply as Dread. After several discussions with the Krestviniic, he revealed his true name and it was discovered that they had the same father. So one blood brother lost is another blood brother gained and Ximaro suggested he take the family name since it was his birthright. Chokk added it to his mother's last name and he became Chokk Ovin Jix.

The Family Business