Clan Skelgard

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Clan Skelgard
General Information
Leader Ylvia Skelgard
Motto "Better to fight and fall than to live without cause."
Headquarters Skelheim Manor
Historical Information
Founded c 4000 BCGT
Political Information
Affiliation Imperial Leaning

Clan Skelgard is an ancient Kiffar clan of Kiffex and ourvir of Clan Nah`utal. Skelgard's differs from others clans in that facial tattoo of the clan is applied to all existing members who wish to be part of the clan and willingly participate in ancient ritual where they procure a skin or a pelt of a hunted animal. They have been known to be fierce, independent and enthusiastic warriors and artisans, and many become renowned mercenaries and traders all over Kiffex. Because Skelgards have mostly been living on Kiffex and only rarely ventured outside the boundaries of the Azurbani system, they have been for most part unheard off in the galaxy at large and only have been known to Northern Kiffar communities. Skelgards can also trace an unbroken Kiffar lineage that extends almost eons back and as such the clan somewhat prides on their history that is being passed down to children through their parents. Most Skelgards who live on Kiffex prefer to wear armor that has been made from animal skins and furs that they have personally skinned and acquired or cotton clothing that has been made on a traditional loom. The traditional Skelgard outfit also includes merganrok, a cloak that has been given to an young adult and which has been sewn by his or hers parents. The cloak to outsiders is just a piece of clothing, but to the Skelgard's it symbolizes parents willingness to let their child go in the world while still maintaining their support and love.

Notable members: Ylvia Skelgard; Dain Vel Iblis

Recent History

There are deep divide between Skelgard's and Brynald's.

During the late days of the Great War on Kiffex, Skelgard clan was split in two by Augamor Skelgard, the brother of the current clan leader Vizimir, who established his own clan called Clan Brynald. The divide was over the deep political issues that revolved around the Galactic Civil war, but there are rumors that the issue was more of a personal nature as Vizimir married the love interest of his brother. Whatever the issue was, Augamor tried to kill his brother and after the failed attempt, he persuaded many of the Vizimir’s retainers, including close family members, to follow and join in the rebellion against against Vizimir's leadership. Augamor also took a new surname of Brynald and a new clan symbol of a bear. Over the next decades the Brynalds became involved with the New Republic and its terrorist activities. Ever since these events there have been rivalry between the clans and even open skirmishes that have set blood relatives at each other’s throats long after the Kiffar civil war ended.

Skelheim Manor


Skelheim Manor is the clan's main household and it is situated in the densely forested foothills near the northern parts of Kiffex. It is a dark and primal place, where the old forest had laid untouched for ten thousand years. The homestead itself looked like an old rustic great hall fashioned from the nearby great oaks, coupled with adjourning smaller buildings and an small mine shaft that led in the mountainside and to the Skelgard family fortunes that laid below the ground. Ancient crypt of Bleak Falls, where Skelgard dead were being buried was situated not far from the Skelheim Greathall itself.

Clan Retainer Houses

Around the Skelheim Greathall there are various other smaller buildings and houses that act as places for the loyal clan retainers and their families.

Balgreth Great Forge

The forge was build by the Great Balgreth Skelgard more than five centuries and since then its smelters still burn with the same hot flame when the forge was first ignited. Thousands of weapons and tools have been made by generation of blacksmith hands.

Clan Barracks and Armoury

Right besides the Skelheim Greathall there is a smaller building that acts as storage area for the weapons and armor that clan retainers and members use during hunting.

Landing Pad

While the stretch of alloy laced pavement is a more modern addition to the whole aesthetic of the household, the area nevertheless incorporates some of the old society elements, like logs of timber adjourn the sides of the pad as well as clan banners decorate the sides of the hangar.

Skelheim Mine

Skelheim Mine is famous in the Kiffex North for its mineral wealth that is sourced from its deep and pure ore veins. The mine itself has been used by Skelgards for centuries and because of the small size of the operations it has never been depleted. Here raw ore is mined for making traditional weapons of war as well as tools, that some of the more traditional Kiffars prefer over mass produced ones from factories. The mine is worked by hired miners from nearby settlements and trading communities, but it is not rare to see one of the clan retainer or even close family member, to wield a drill and pile the ore in the cart for ingot smelters outside.

Bleak Falls Crypt


Bleak Falls Crypt is ancestral tomb of Skelgards, that has been used by the Clan members since they first settled in the region, which was almost a millennia ago. An oak grove lays above the tomb, and some of the trees there have roots that extend deep in the ground, and may even encompass whole structure. It is believed that some part of the dead lives on in these ancient trees.

Millennia ago the crypt itself was once an Kiffar temple built in the mountainside with deep underground passages. The temple was dedicated to the worship of ancient local deity whose name or legend has been lost as no official records have been gathered. Over the following centuries since Skelgards settled down in the area, the temple was slowly turned into a tomb for the dead and as temple of ancestral worship.