Wolf Saigon

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Wolf Saigon
Biographical Information
Race Falleen
Homeworld Falleen
Mother unknown- killed at a young age
Father unknown- killed at a young age
Spouse single
Siblings unknown only his Hellion Brothers and Sister
Children none
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 7' 4"
Coloring Green
Eye Color Orange
Political Information
Affiliation Dark Star Hellions
Rank Hellions Original Enforcer

The Childhood of Wolf Saigon

Growing up for Wolf Saigon was not easy, he had a very hard time surviving in the jungle. Wolf's parents died when he was very young, his parents were killed by pirates storming the jungle near his village. His parents who were Falleen Warriors attempted to defend the village from the raid and although they were successful, it cost them their lives. Although this brings some comfort to Wolf that his parents were brave selfless people he feels vengeance in his blood.

Wolf Saigon's Sworn Revenge

At the age of 9 Wolf had traveled across parts of the jungle and eventually across an ocean, to a city he had heard was full of pirates, seeking to avenge his parents in some way. Wolf spent many days and nights watching pirates coming and going from the pad they called a star port,if anything, it was just a rundown building with a few lights and a large area for aircraft to land. Wolf knew he would need to be smart. He decided to train everyday in preparation.

The Making of the Warrior Inside

A year later Wolf was training out in the jungle near the city, where no one dares to drift too far because of the creatures that lurched in there. As he was practicing using a rusty Vibro Blade he found in a dumpster, stabbing and thrusting it into a practice dummy he had crafted from a dead Bantha he had killed and skinned, and stuffing it with sand. The Bantha hide was thick and able to take the pokes and thrusts from the rusty blade which pierced the hide like a hot knife through soft flesh.

Then There Were two.

Another year had passed and Wolf was doing his usual training daily, as well as hunting for creatures to eat. He hadn’t come across another Rancor yet and didn’t really want to either after the last battle. He knew he might not be as lucky as last time, although he felt he could easily do it again. However he didn’t want to risk his life to a creature when he still has the thirst for vengeance running through his veins.

As Wolf was walking to his little hut he had made just on the edge of the jungle near the city but deep enough not to be seen, he could hear a noise coming from within.

He drew his Vibro Blade which he had cleaned up and sharpened and crept towards his hut as quietly as possible before stepping on a twig *snap*, he paused for a few seconds, the sound has stopped. He crept closer to his hut and leaned forward to open his door suddenly it came flying open, a small falleen girl jumped out and put a knife to his throat as he fell to the ground.

A few seconds passed without either saying a word, the young girl was very pretty, her eyes were a piercing brown eyes with long brown hair tied back roughly with a piece of string. Wolf could see in her eyes she was in emotional pain. They stared at each other for a few more seconds with the knife still to his throat. He slowly brought his hand up putting his fingers between the blade and his neck, slowly pushing it away gently not to scare or startle the girl, "It’s ok" Wolf said to the girl, the first words he had spoken in years, this was the first person he had ever come this close to, not that it was intended. The girl sat down and took a deep breath (( Sorry )) she replied, Wolf noticed she had barely any fat on her bones whatsoever, poor girl must be starving he thought. "Bantha meat?" he asked, the girl looked at him as if tears were about to come rushing out her big beautiful eyes, she nodded frantically with a small smile appearing. Wolf got up and prepared a small fire to cook the meat on. As he started cooking he noticed she had a few scars on her arms and face, like she had been cut with a knife. "What happened?" he asked, as he nodded to the unfortunate scarring on her beautiful luminous skin. "I was hungry", she replied, "I got caught trying to steal some fruit".

Wolf started getting these weird feelings inside him he didn’t usually feel unless he thought about his parents, he felt sorry for her, "My name is Wolf, what is yours?" … she paused for a second as if she was trying to remember. "It’s been so long since I had to tell someone my name, sorry just give me a second..". Wolf waited patiently whilst checking on the meat. "Oh! I remember now Xalitus…. Xalitus Swindler", she smiled and hers eyes widened. "That’s a pretty name", Wolf replied.

The meat was now cooked and Wolf had put them on two big leaves he found nearby. They both ate as if their lives depended on it. Once the meal was finished Wolf turned to Xalitus and told her she could stay the night in his hut if she wanted, he had some nice Bantha skins he had cleaned and used for blankets, although it seemed quite wrong to most civilized people to sleep with an animal’s skin, they were very good at keeping heat inside. Xalitus jumped at the opportunity, she hadn’t slept in a warm bed for weeks.

From that night onwards, Xalitus and Wolf never left each other’s side. Xalitus would go out to steal items from various markets and pockets of pirates, because she knew they had the good stuff, whilst Wolf went out to hunt for food for them to eat.

The two made a very good team together and swore to stay together as their own brother/sister family.

The Time For The Crime

As they travelled around together Wolf and Xalitus met us and befriended a like mined person Xank Cro`lok, The three of them discussed and decided that three heads were better than one to keep them in the things they needed.

Wolf, Xalitus and Xank robbed the city day and night of anything they could get their hands on. However, one night things just didn't feel right. The streets were too quiet. As the three patiently waited outside a Medical centre for the manager the leave for the night Xank looked over to Wolf and nodded to signal that the manager was leaving. Wolf looked around knowing something wasn't right, he whispers to Xalitus, "Something isn't right sis, I feel it"

Xank hopped off the roof they were on before Wolf could say anything to him, and start creeping across thes treet quickly but quietly. Xalitus made an attempt to jump off once Xank was across but Wolf quickly grabbed her, as he could see something moving in an alley close by. Wolf could start to make out a figure in the darkness as it crept slowly towards the street 10 feet away from where Xank was standing waiting for them, as Wolf squints his eyes to try and get a better look at who it might be.Rebels...and they had been spotted.

Darting through alleyways and hopping over small walls, Wolf and Xalitus made a desperate attempt to throw the rebels of their trail. As they ran around a corner he quickly grabbed her and threw her and himself into a large rubbish container.Ever the protective brother, "Don't say a word", Wolf ordered Xalitus. A few rebels came running down the alley and stopped just after the container they were in, Wolf grabbed Xalitus's hand tight ready to make a run for it if they were spotted. he also wondered if Xank had been noticed and if he was safe.