Chiss Ascendancy

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Chiss Ascendancy
General Information
Status {{{status}}}
Leader {{{leader}}}
Members {{{members}}}
Historical Information
Founded {{{founded}}}
Political Information
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The Chiss Ascendancy is the name of a Racial Community of Chiss.Its purpose is to unite the chiss people and educate their fellow chiss about chiss culture.


Chiss Society

The Chiss Society was started in Year 8 by Kamm`aldui` Nakesh as a community to bring together the Chiss People.


Carn`ilo` Sabosen and Flar Gar led the call for increased activity on behalf of the Chiss Society. Capital was gathered to found the first economic venture of the Chiss Society, the Chiss Ascendancy Medical Corproation(see:Chiss Ascendancy (Year 10)).

Betrayal and an attempted theft of CA's capital by Sye Montaris discouraged Sabosen and he decide to dissolve Chiss Ascendancy.

Economic Development and Culture

After he resolved to try another economic venture, Flar Gar was instrumental in coordinating the capital to start a new venture, Chiss Material Extractions

Chiss Material Extractions is currently independent from CME.

During this time Sabosen led the call for reforms within the CS to encourage cultural development, even renaming the group from its name of Chiss Society to Chiss Ascendancy(in-exile).

Past Members

Other iterations

The Chiss Ascendancy may also refer to any of the following organizations: