Venari Haliat

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Venari Haliat
Biographical Information
Race Trandoshan/Anzati Hybrid
Homeworld Taakarroo
Mother Iol Haliat
Father Spara Haliat
Spouse None
Siblings 4 Brothers, 2 Sisters
Children Charky Haliat
Born Year -40 Day 352
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.19 meters (7 ft 2 in)
Coloring Green
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information

Venari Haliat is a offshot Trandoshan, born on the world of Taakarroo to a lineage of Trandoshans that had adapted to the planets attributes, along with an interracial birth that took place centuries ago between a female ancestor and an Anzati male that resulted in a longer lifespan.


Early Life

Personality and traits

Being a Trandoshan, Venari is adept and has a liking towards hunting, the same as the rest of his species.

While on a expedition on Malastare, Venari and his hunting party was set upon by two Varactyls and most were killed. Leaving Venari with a large Varactyl claw mark on his chest leading up his throat. After the encounter he had learned to be more careful when hunting larger prey.