Venari Haliat

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Venari Haliat
Biographical Information
Race Trandoshan
Homeworld Kallalarra
Born Year -22 Day 270
Quote "Politicians are the weeds of the galaxy"
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.19 meters (7 ft 2 in)
Coloring Green
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
"Politicians are the weeds of the galaxy"
— Venari Haliat


Early Life

Venari Haliat was born on Kallalarra around the time of the Clone Wars. When the Emperor revealed himself and emerged from the ashses of the Old Republic came the Galactic Empire, Haliat decided it was time to finally leave the world of his birth. Due to the stigmatism of Trandoshans, Haliat was led to join a small mercenary band in wild space and made a small fortune. On his last raid with the merc band he was running with, Haliat was caught in a explosion that killed his entire raiding team but survived with only needing a breathing apparatus to survive. In year 6 during the events of the Kashyyyk Massacre, Haliat was offered a job to help Imperial forces to capture and enslave a number of Wookiee civilians, Haliat declined the offer.