Hate from Lon Lara Part 2

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Hacked by Lon Lara on Year 5 Day 364

Onboard the Marauder-class Corvette -= A Pirates Dream =- at galactic position (2, 311).

Lon Lara stands in front of the camera an started to speak.

Many of you today found out i had cleaned Renketsu Trading out, leaving them dry and dissolved. This is true. Along with that you were told the total Heist of 400million which was stolen, is a lie. Brought up by Bren so the people of the galaxy would feel sorry for him, for being honest and trusting people. Well a hint to you Bren, Your to tight to have put 400million worth of credits and assests into Renketsu, and if your wondering why i did this it was because

1) Your a sexiest pig

2) Your ungreatful

3) self centered

and 4) you asked for it

Number 4 for most of you might sound weird so let me tell you what it's all about.

Around 3 weeks ago i left Renketsu in fear that i might steal some of renketsus money or assests, leaving with only a little bit of trading money. 2 weeks later i was contacted by Bren who wanted me back...i thought to my self for a while, and wondered if the stealing of his trading money was any indication of me being a thief? So i agreed, joined back and was even given better Privs and this time i had control of credits and assests. Gee i could only guess what was going to happen next.

This might come as a shock to alot of my friends and fake friends like Rhys Skywalker of the Praxium who is trying to kill me. So he can get a name from him self. Even though it is really none of his business what i do in my spare time, and seeing only good has been done to him and many noobs who have been given millions in ships to kick start their trading life. Just shows me how nosey and bloody thirsty a person can get.

That is all i need to say, thankyou people of the galaxy.

The screen zooms out and goes black.