The Intergalactic Mining Guild

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Posted by Gabriella Storm on Year 5 Day 350

From the Civic Center in city Pawa on planet Nal Hutta.

Cloud City today announced the formation of the Intergalactic Mining Guild. The unification of the mining companies allows the strength of numbers, and contracts to the guild not given to those not a part of it.

Blue Sabre transportation has agreed to offer the Companies within the Guild greatly reduced prices on the transporting of raw materials. To make up their costs, anyone not in the Guild will be paying 5 times as much.

Material costs across the galaxy have been erratic with prices varying from company to company, with each company setting their prices with no set formula. Cloud City, the largest mining company in the galaxy, felt the need to control not only the costs of the mining process, but in all of the subsequent costs needed to move the materials to the market, and to the customers as well as marketing and security.

Cloud City