The Mysterium Station: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox Station
{{Infobox Station
| name = The Mysterium
| name = The Mysterium
| image = [[File:Mysterium.png|200px|thumb|]]
| image = [[File:AsteroidHideoutBIG.png|200px|]]
| class = Asteroid Hideout
| class = Asteroid Hideout
| sector = Deep
| sector = Deep
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From the centre of an otherwise near empty square of Deep Space, emerges the gas shrouded asteroid known as 'The Mysterium'.  This former asteroid was mined out on behalf of [[Bram Dupol]], by Noble Ordinance.  Panzer Burnier CEO of Noble was an old friend and former boss of Bram's and did the work for Bram as a favour, much to the thanks of Bram. Bram had long sought a proper home, a place to use as a base of operations, within easy transfer distance of the NR home systems and those of his then employer, Corellian Transport Services.  The actual location of The Mysterium is a fiercely guarded secret known only to those few, friends, comrades and trusted companions of Bram's.  The actual location was discovered during a 'happy' accident.  Whilst travelling to one location, Bram was forced(for reasons lost in the depths of time,) to abort his time in Hyperspace and he emerged at the location he had the station built.  In an odd twist, it turned out that this location was near to the home locations of two of his close friends and pretty much adjacent to several key manufacturing hubs and therefore places Bram had business at. 
The Mysterium was finally finished on day 224 of year 20, a further month elapsed before it was ready to receive visitors. Bram's team of highly skilled engineers and technicians set to work making the interior of the former asteroid both comfortable and functional.  Bram's orders were simple, make it look like no expense had been spared without breaking the bank.  Where possible the internal corridor surfaces were clad in rare woods and all the fittings are formed from black chrome and red Plasteel accents.  The station has few areas you can look out into the surrounding area of space but the engineers fitted each cabin and communal area with large screens linked to exterior cameras giving views to the outside that can be linked to one camera or set to scroll all the external feeds.  The station has a variety of rooms including a bar, Sauna, Zero-G swimming pool(it's the room with the airlock door), a droid served eating area, observation rooms and a small private study(off limits to everyone without an invite).  Bram furnished the station with all of the best service droids he could acquire, astromechs, protocol droids and other labour and security droids can be found serving in the bar and carrying luggage or giving directions.  Chief amongst these droids is Wooster, Bram's long-serving(or should that be suffering) HK series Protocol droid.  He is the heart of t6he station's system and can be found anywhere from the kitchens to the command suite to ensure everything is working smoothly.  Cleaning is handled by a pair of feisty Mini-mech droids who scurry around keeping the station clean and generally getting in Wooster's way.
<center>[[File:Myst Int Corridor.jpg]]</center>
Another frequently frequented room is the Salon.  The Salon is a general purpose room which has a series of large floor-to-ceiling view screens fashioned to look like windows along the longest wall, running parallel to this on the opposite wall is a large set of shelving units containing  great number of books Bram collected from across the galaxy, the fact they even exist is a testament to the work Bram has put into finding them.  Military history to the owners workshop manuals to every ship in Dupol Enterprises fleet, the Salon's library is  unmatched outside planetary government hands.  Along with the physical books the room features several large desks with terminals linked into the Galactic Intraweb.  They are available to all guests with the exception of the desk terminal at the far end of the room.  This terminal is locked to all except Bram and El'lay Phillette the Salons librarian and the curator of Bram's museum quality collection of hunting trophies and other ephemera. 
The main living area of the Mysterium, contains several living suites, both those of Bram Dupol and his family along with some set aside for those Important guests.  Bram and his partner, Loysia Chelsar maintain the largest suite for themselves, however, following Bram's Mission to his Homeworld, he added an extension to this suite(by making the rest a little smaller,) for his two adopted children.  This separate room houses a large floor to ceiling Aquarium along with room for two beds, cupboards and entertainment equipment.  Bram had thick carpet fitted along with extra thick padding on the walls. The room also features the stations one true window and better heating, including better underfloor heasting elements.  Bram jokes that the children have a better place to sleep in than him! 
The living suites lie not far from the food area and Salon and Bram's study.
<center>[[File:Station suite.jpg]]</center>
=='''Other Notable Characters Aboard'''==

Barhis Le Kit, Head Bartender, a member of the Qiraash race.  Holds the keys to the Liquor Hold and the only person who knows how to safely make 'Hull Stripper' a potent alcoholic brew that is favoured by those who forgot what it was they were drinking to forget.
Kaarl Miransi, the Other barman.  Kaarl is a Gamorean.  He tries his best to keep out from under Barhis' feet but often fails.
Kieran Cruz, Gand musician who can play over 40 instruments.  No lover of Jazz.

From the centre of an otherwise near empty square of Deep Space, emerges the gas shrouded asteroid known as 'The Mysterium'.  This former asteroid was mined out on behalf of Bram Dupol, by Noble Ordinance.  Panzer Burnier CEO of Noble was an old friend and former boss of Bram's and did the work for Bram as a favour, much to the thanks of Bram. Bram had long sought a proper home, a place to use as a base of operations, within easy transfer distance of the NR home systems and those of his then employer, Corellian Transport ServicesThe actual location of The Mysterium is a fiercely guarded secret known only to those few, friends, comrades and trusted companions of Bram's.  The actual location was discovered during a 'happy' accident.  Whilst travelling to one location, Bram was forced(for reasons lost in the depths of time,) to abort his time in Hyperspace and he emerged at the location he had the station builtIn an odd twist, it turned out that this location was near to the home locations of two of his close friends and pretty much adjacent to several key NR manufacturing hubs and therefore places Bram had business at.
Jasper Tershin, Dressilian Vocalist and ex-fighter pilotLost a leg during the Clone WarsHas an amazing voice, once heard seldom forgotten.

Hunter Ompho, Zabrak Expert Box Stacker.  Usually found propping up the bar when not stacking boxes in the Docking bay.

Trl Corely, A proud noble, Noghri Box Stacker, he is down on his luck and is trying to earn an honest living doing an honest job.
El'lay Phillette, a tall female Ishi Tib, Xenoarcheologist, The Keeper of Books and Antiquities; And Ad-hoc Teacher for Bramm Dupol's family on The Mysterium.
=='''The Droids Of The Mysterium'''==
'''Alpha Flight'''
J-3P0 is a standard Cybot Galactica 3P0 series Protocol droid.  He serves aboard Dupol Enterprises station, The Mysterium' as the steward of the private guest quarters.
J-3PO does have one small secret, he used to be a spy for NRI, however with no Republic to now report to he finds his reports on the Ex- Senator Dupol go unanswered.
The Pit Krew
The Mysterium Pit Krew are a group of 6 pit droids assigned to the asteroid base's docking bay.  They are supposed to aid with repairs, but Bram only really keeps them on as comic relief.  Needless to say Bram finds them very funny.
Acts as a baggage handler/Lobby Boy for 'The Mysterium'.
WA-7 'Wanda'
WA-7 droid, WA-7-2X-4B is better known as Wanda to all the guests aboard 'The Mysterium'.  Wanda serves the Mysterium guests in the Refectory serving meals and beverages to all who want them.
Wanda has a minor corruption to her speech system and only speaks with a properly posh 'English' accent.  Her main wheel also has a dodgy main bearing and due to this tends to squeak if not regularly lubricated. She makes a decent Bacon sandwich(may even be Gamorean Bacon also with keeping a piping hot flask of Corellian Caf on the go at all times.
D3 S0
D3-S0 Bram feels needs a personality bypass.  If you can call it Surly, even nasty if you want.  Ess Oh has a habit of moving foot lockers into peoples paths and generally getting underfoot whenever possible.
Bram Dupol's administrator for his Asteroid Hideout 'The Mysterium'.  Unusually stuffy for protocol droid. Sounds like Hugh Laurie.  Wooster is a normal HK series Protocol droid, although Bram paid extra for the Secrecy package.  This optional extra allows the droid to retain any information on the guests  in a separate data core, which is downloaded daily to the stations main data systems.
Wooster has been extensively reprogrammed by Bram and the droid is honest to a fault, sometimes brutally so. 
A Lab assistant modified KX series securirt droid, altered to act as El'lay's Assistant.
Mysterium Security
The Mysterium's internal Security is handled by Dupol Enterprises unit of 5 KX Series Security droids.  Bram had to raise the ceiling heights and doors to accommodate the KX's.
The Minimechs
Bram bought a bunch of these to serve as cleaner aboard 'The Mysterium'.  Their  small Gold hemispheres can be seen all aroud the station cleaning the corridor carpets.
=='''Alpha Flight'''==

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<center>[[File:Alpha flight sqd logo.jpg]]</center>
Alpha Flight is the primary defensive fighter wing used for defence and to control area penetration by undesirable elements.  The Squadron is composed of only Toscan 8-Q fighters, chosen for their large ordnance carrying capability, high armour and other defensive abilities.  Although the Toscan's have been superseded by the Y-wings in many fleets, Dupol enterprises kept them as they are great for use as a close defence craft.  Armed with a combination of Ion Cannon, Heavy Lasers and Concussion Missiles, they remain a potent craft even with other better craft now available.
Alpha Flight was due to have their ships upgraded to Y-wings, how ever during Area 85's defensive upgrade, Alpha Flight was re-deployed to run point from Perimeter Defence Station Alpha.
The Squadron is led by one Dubar Madcha a rather surly Duros, who when not flying can be found at the stations well stocked bar, quaffing more than a little of 'the Three', a potent brew only available from a few select locations in the galaxy(Bram has a large supply from CTS). His ship, 'Alpha 1', has been seen engaging bandit ships inverted.
To date Alpha flight has only been used in anger once, during 'Science Fued 2' they were used in a number of combat missions against 'DNA Bashers' fighter patrols and during the later stage of the quest capital ships.  During this conflict the Squadron was lead by Bram Dupol in his Firespray class gunboat 'Furious Ferret'

<center>[[File:Alpha flight sqd logo.jpg]]</center>

Alpha Flight is the primary defensive fighter wing used for defence and to control area penetration by undesirable elements.  The Squadron is composed of only Toscan 8-Q fighters, chosen for their large ordanance carrying capability, high armour and other defensive abilities.  Although the Toscan's have been superceeded by the Y-wings in many fleets, Dupol enterprises kept them as they are great for use as a close defence craft.  Armed with a combination of Ion Cannon, Heavy Lasers and Concussion Missiles, they remain a potent craft even with other better craft now available.
[[File:Duros ch.png]]

Alpha Flight is due to have their ships upgraded to Y-wings.

The Squadron is led by one Dubar Madcha a rather portly Duros, who when not flying can be found at the stations well stocked bar, quaffing more than a little of 'the Three', a potent brew only available from a few select locations in the galaxy(Bram has a large supply from CTS).
The other members of Alpha flight are a mixed bunch of very good pilots, each with their own quirks.

=='''Omega Flight'''==
'''Omega Flight'''

'Omega Flight is best described as The Mysterium's second string defensive force.  They are only deployed when Alpha Flight is enjoying a well easrned rest.  They fly exckusivly X-ceptor uglies, not the greatest fighters for sure but these will be replaced at some point with Alpha Flight's Toscans.
<center>[[File:Omega sqd logo.png]]</center>
'Omega Flight is best described as The Mysterium's second string defensive force.  They are only deployed when Alpha Flight is enjoying a well-earned rest.  They fly exclusively X-ceptor uglies, not the greatest fighters for sure but these will be replaced at some point with Alpha Flight's Toscans. Although Omega Flight has 12 ships and pilots they can only use 6 at any given time due to the stations Garrison limits. The pilots work on a rota system, 6 pilots are on constant rotation.  Each pilot stays on alert status for a period of 24 hours per patrol and is then swapped out for the next six pilots and ships.  This allows for both ships and pilots to stay in good health/repair.
Omega Flight is commanded by an old grizzled, usually sozzled Corellian called Jackson Orellos.  He can often be found, stroking his white beard at the bar with Dubar when they are both off duty.  Late in Year 20 Omega Flight re-deployed to Perimeter Defence Station Beta and their hardware upgraded to brand new Toscans.
[[File:Omega Flight leader.jpg]]
The other members of Omega Flight are an odd bunch who keep to themselves and Bram is unsure whether they are trying to take over the station or not.
[[Category:Space Stations]]

Latest revision as of 11:40, 25 May 2020

The Mysterium
General Information:
ClassAsteroid Hideout
Galactic Coordinates(xx,-xxx)
System Coordinates(10,10)
AccessCrewlist only
Proton Torpedo LaunchersNone
Ion CannonsNone
Ion BatteriesNone
Heavy LasersNone
Concussion Missile Launchers2
Tractor BeamsNone
Turbo LasersNone
Quad Lasers2
Cargo Stats:
Weight85,879t T
Volume7,000m3 m³
Weight Cap79,824t T
Volume Cap6,240m3 m³
Max Passengers400
Hull Stats:
Length400m m
Deflector Shields1.250
Ionic Capacity1,800


From the centre of an otherwise near empty square of Deep Space, emerges the gas shrouded asteroid known as 'The Mysterium'. This former asteroid was mined out on behalf of Bram Dupol, by Noble Ordinance. Panzer Burnier CEO of Noble was an old friend and former boss of Bram's and did the work for Bram as a favour, much to the thanks of Bram. Bram had long sought a proper home, a place to use as a base of operations, within easy transfer distance of the NR home systems and those of his then employer, Corellian Transport Services. The actual location of The Mysterium is a fiercely guarded secret known only to those few, friends, comrades and trusted companions of Bram's. The actual location was discovered during a 'happy' accident. Whilst travelling to one location, Bram was forced(for reasons lost in the depths of time,) to abort his time in Hyperspace and he emerged at the location he had the station built. In an odd twist, it turned out that this location was near to the home locations of two of his close friends and pretty much adjacent to several key manufacturing hubs and therefore places Bram had business at.

The Mysterium was finally finished on day 224 of year 20, a further month elapsed before it was ready to receive visitors. Bram's team of highly skilled engineers and technicians set to work making the interior of the former asteroid both comfortable and functional. Bram's orders were simple, make it look like no expense had been spared without breaking the bank. Where possible the internal corridor surfaces were clad in rare woods and all the fittings are formed from black chrome and red Plasteel accents. The station has few areas you can look out into the surrounding area of space but the engineers fitted each cabin and communal area with large screens linked to exterior cameras giving views to the outside that can be linked to one camera or set to scroll all the external feeds. The station has a variety of rooms including a bar, Sauna, Zero-G swimming pool(it's the room with the airlock door), a droid served eating area, observation rooms and a small private study(off limits to everyone without an invite). Bram furnished the station with all of the best service droids he could acquire, astromechs, protocol droids and other labour and security droids can be found serving in the bar and carrying luggage or giving directions. Chief amongst these droids is Wooster, Bram's long-serving(or should that be suffering) HK series Protocol droid. He is the heart of t6he station's system and can be found anywhere from the kitchens to the command suite to ensure everything is working smoothly. Cleaning is handled by a pair of feisty Mini-mech droids who scurry around keeping the station clean and generally getting in Wooster's way.

Another frequently frequented room is the Salon. The Salon is a general purpose room which has a series of large floor-to-ceiling view screens fashioned to look like windows along the longest wall, running parallel to this on the opposite wall is a large set of shelving units containing great number of books Bram collected from across the galaxy, the fact they even exist is a testament to the work Bram has put into finding them. Military history to the owners workshop manuals to every ship in Dupol Enterprises fleet, the Salon's library is unmatched outside planetary government hands. Along with the physical books the room features several large desks with terminals linked into the Galactic Intraweb. They are available to all guests with the exception of the desk terminal at the far end of the room. This terminal is locked to all except Bram and El'lay Phillette the Salons librarian and the curator of Bram's museum quality collection of hunting trophies and other ephemera.

The main living area of the Mysterium, contains several living suites, both those of Bram Dupol and his family along with some set aside for those Important guests. Bram and his partner, Loysia Chelsar maintain the largest suite for themselves, however, following Bram's Mission to his Homeworld, he added an extension to this suite(by making the rest a little smaller,) for his two adopted children. This separate room houses a large floor to ceiling Aquarium along with room for two beds, cupboards and entertainment equipment. Bram had thick carpet fitted along with extra thick padding on the walls. The room also features the stations one true window and better heating, including better underfloor heasting elements. Bram jokes that the children have a better place to sleep in than him!

The living suites lie not far from the food area and Salon and Bram's study.

Other Notable Characters Aboard

Barhis Le Kit, Head Bartender, a member of the Qiraash race. Holds the keys to the Liquor Hold and the only person who knows how to safely make 'Hull Stripper' a potent alcoholic brew that is favoured by those who forgot what it was they were drinking to forget.

Kaarl Miransi, the Other barman. Kaarl is a Gamorean. He tries his best to keep out from under Barhis' feet but often fails.

Kieran Cruz, Gand musician who can play over 40 instruments. No lover of Jazz.

Jasper Tershin, Dressilian Vocalist and ex-fighter pilot. Lost a leg during the Clone Wars. Has an amazing voice, once heard seldom forgotten.

Hunter Ompho, Zabrak Expert Box Stacker. Usually found propping up the bar when not stacking boxes in the Docking bay.

Trl Corely, A proud noble, Noghri Box Stacker, he is down on his luck and is trying to earn an honest living doing an honest job.

El'lay Phillette, a tall female Ishi Tib, Xenoarcheologist, The Keeper of Books and Antiquities; And Ad-hoc Teacher for Bramm Dupol's family on The Mysterium.

The Droids Of The Mysterium


J-3P0 is a standard Cybot Galactica 3P0 series Protocol droid. He serves aboard Dupol Enterprises station, The Mysterium' as the steward of the private guest quarters.

J-3PO does have one small secret, he used to be a spy for NRI, however with no Republic to now report to he finds his reports on the Ex- Senator Dupol go unanswered.

The Pit Krew

The Mysterium Pit Krew are a group of 6 pit droids assigned to the asteroid base's docking bay. They are supposed to aid with repairs, but Bram only really keeps them on as comic relief. Needless to say Bram finds them very funny.


Acts as a baggage handler/Lobby Boy for 'The Mysterium'.

WA-7 'Wanda'

WA-7 droid, WA-7-2X-4B is better known as Wanda to all the guests aboard 'The Mysterium'. Wanda serves the Mysterium guests in the Refectory serving meals and beverages to all who want them.

Wanda has a minor corruption to her speech system and only speaks with a properly posh 'English' accent. Her main wheel also has a dodgy main bearing and due to this tends to squeak if not regularly lubricated. She makes a decent Bacon sandwich(may even be Gamorean Bacon also with keeping a piping hot flask of Corellian Caf on the go at all times.

D3 S0

D3-S0 Bram feels needs a personality bypass. If you can call it Surly, even nasty if you want. Ess Oh has a habit of moving foot lockers into peoples paths and generally getting underfoot whenever possible.


Bram Dupol's administrator for his Asteroid Hideout 'The Mysterium'. Unusually stuffy for protocol droid. Sounds like Hugh Laurie. Wooster is a normal HK series Protocol droid, although Bram paid extra for the Secrecy package. This optional extra allows the droid to retain any information on the guests in a separate data core, which is downloaded daily to the stations main data systems.

Wooster has been extensively reprogrammed by Bram and the droid is honest to a fault, sometimes brutally so. K-0XX

A Lab assistant modified KX series securirt droid, altered to act as El'lay's Assistant.

Mysterium Security

The Mysterium's internal Security is handled by Dupol Enterprises unit of 5 KX Series Security droids. Bram had to raise the ceiling heights and doors to accommodate the KX's.

The Minimechs

Bram bought a bunch of these to serve as cleaner aboard 'The Mysterium'. Their small Gold hemispheres can be seen all aroud the station cleaning the corridor carpets.

Alpha Flight

Alpha Flight is the primary defensive fighter wing used for defence and to control area penetration by undesirable elements. The Squadron is composed of only Toscan 8-Q fighters, chosen for their large ordnance carrying capability, high armour and other defensive abilities. Although the Toscan's have been superseded by the Y-wings in many fleets, Dupol enterprises kept them as they are great for use as a close defence craft. Armed with a combination of Ion Cannon, Heavy Lasers and Concussion Missiles, they remain a potent craft even with other better craft now available.

Alpha Flight was due to have their ships upgraded to Y-wings, how ever during Area 85's defensive upgrade, Alpha Flight was re-deployed to run point from Perimeter Defence Station Alpha.

The Squadron is led by one Dubar Madcha a rather surly Duros, who when not flying can be found at the stations well stocked bar, quaffing more than a little of 'the Three', a potent brew only available from a few select locations in the galaxy(Bram has a large supply from CTS). His ship, 'Alpha 1', has been seen engaging bandit ships inverted.

To date Alpha flight has only been used in anger once, during 'Science Fued 2' they were used in a number of combat missions against 'DNA Bashers' fighter patrols and during the later stage of the quest capital ships. During this conflict the Squadron was lead by Bram Dupol in his Firespray class gunboat 'Furious Ferret'

The other members of Alpha flight are a mixed bunch of very good pilots, each with their own quirks.

Omega Flight

'Omega Flight is best described as The Mysterium's second string defensive force. They are only deployed when Alpha Flight is enjoying a well-earned rest. They fly exclusively X-ceptor uglies, not the greatest fighters for sure but these will be replaced at some point with Alpha Flight's Toscans. Although Omega Flight has 12 ships and pilots they can only use 6 at any given time due to the stations Garrison limits. The pilots work on a rota system, 6 pilots are on constant rotation. Each pilot stays on alert status for a period of 24 hours per patrol and is then swapped out for the next six pilots and ships. This allows for both ships and pilots to stay in good health/repair.

Omega Flight is commanded by an old grizzled, usually sozzled Corellian called Jackson Orellos. He can often be found, stroking his white beard at the bar with Dubar when they are both off duty. Late in Year 20 Omega Flight re-deployed to Perimeter Defence Station Beta and their hardware upgraded to brand new Toscans.

The other members of Omega Flight are an odd bunch who keep to themselves and Bram is unsure whether they are trying to take over the station or not.