Talk:Holocron:Featured Articles

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Selection Process

As there was a general agreement that we need a more formal selection process (see below), from now on articles need to go through the following steps:

  • Everyone can suggest articles, please enter them in the "Suggestions" section of this page. Put a link and sign your suggestion.
  • On the 15th day of each month all current suggestions will be pasted to the "Vote" section. Every user can give support to one article every month. Every article can be discussed in the "Recent Discussion" section. The article that gets most votes on the 15th of next month will be featured next.
  • The article will be deleted from the "suggestions" list as soon as it is featured.--Dreighton 01:00, 17 April 2014 (GMT)
  • Articles that have previously been featured should not be nominated again unless they have undergone significant changes since they were last featured. --Syn 02:24, 23 November 2017 (CST)


In this section you can post candidates to be featured. Please do not discuss the suggestions here, so that the list stays short and crisp. You can use the "Recent Discussion" section to talk about articles that are currently voted on.--Dreighton 01:00, 17 April 2014 (GMT)

Please try to clean up red links in featured article suggestions, and nominate articles that have only minimal red links. -- Syn (talk)


This is the vote for the featured article for next month:

Next featured article

Article Suggestions - Discussion

Changing the presentation style of this page

Rather than merely listing previous featured articles in chronological order, perhaps we should follow the example of Wikipedia's "Featured Articles" section. We could divide the articles chosen thus far into an Archive page and also a broader Categories page... Thoughts? -- Rupert Havok 00:37, 15 October 2013 (GMT)

It's an interesting idea. You sort of already did the Archive style, and though the broader categories would be a bit empty right now, over time that would flesh out a bit. So long as people are capable of finding featured articles with ease, I'd be supportive of it. -- Kyran Caelius 20:16, 13 November 2013 (GMT)
We're doing monthly featured articles so we won't have that much clutter compared to Wikipedia. Like Kyran mentioned, if the interface for browsing is as smooth as Wikipedia's, then I support it as well. --Raith Starlight 16:46, 2 March 2014 (GMT)

Suggested Clean-Up: Move the actual vote-casting to Vote:Holocron:Featured Articles and reserve this page for discussion.

Perhaps we should move the actual vote casting to Vote:Holocron:Featured Articles and reserve this page (Talk:Holocron:Featured Articles) solely for discussion/debate? Currently, this page is quite messy with the balloting process haphazardly occurring in the middle between other conversations. If we create Vote:Holocron:Featured Articles, a "Vote" tab will automatically appear at the top of this page as a shortcut link, alongside the existing "Page," "Discussion," "History" tabs. I'm not suggesting a rule change, but a cleaner division between the voting and the debating. -- Rupert Havok

Much easier if you keep the talk page for voting and clear it every month. Venari Haliat 03:49, 20 August 2015 (GMT)
I'm all for cleaning this page up. Kyran Caelius 14:15, 24 May 2016 (CDT)
I removed some of the outdated sections. Really, there's more content here that doesn't serve much purpose to keep, but we long as we're keeping the voting at the top and the discussion down below, this should be an improvement. --Syn 02:24, 23 November 2017 (CST)