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The archive of the galaxy that anyone can edit.
There are 5,547 entries stored in this Holocron.
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This Month's Featured Article
Cirina Featured Article Insert.png
Moretti'ciri'nasso, known outside of Chiss space as Cirina Moretti, is a female Chiss from the planet Csilla. She formerly served in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force after graduating from Csaplar Academy on her home planet, and later left Csilla and joined Black Sun's collective before becoming Chief Executive Officer of Moretti Industries and then being named Director of One Sith Excavation Services, the nationalized mining branch of the Order of the One Sith. (Full article...)

Did You Know...
This Month in History
  • Day 112, Year 2: Liberty News Investigations, a popular scandal sheet known for its lurid stories, began publication.
  • Day 113, Year 3: The Dark Empire arrested and executed the president of the Ubrikkian Corporation.
  • Day 114, Year 4: Governor Jerome Antilles of Lorell, a Hapan planet, was fatally shot while giving a public speech
  • Day 118, Year 15: Total Outer Rim Scouts discovered the system Vasuuli at location (-23, 118).
  • Day 133, Year 4:Charon was deposed as Emperor of the Galactic Empire and chaos ensued.
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