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Venom Jaitai Kazvar was a powerful warlord in the Outer Rim Territories, a long-time rival of King Eldrik Kuraine of the Falleen Federation, and one of the richest entrepreneurs in the galaxy. An abrasive businessman, Kazvar was the autocratic ruler of the Horizon conglomerate which became a major threat to neighboring governments in the Outer Rim Territories. At the zenith of its power, Kazvar's Horizon conglomerate owned and controlled a diverse number of subsidiary companies including the Horizon Security Corporation, the Horizon Salvage Corporation, the Horizon Speeder Corporation, the Horizon Mining Corporation, Galactic Salvage Inc., Haven, and several others. His second-in-command was Tyr DeMeer who would later become the feared leader of Mandalore. However, Kazvar's vast empire spectacularly collapsed after the Battle of Ingo, a disastrous conflict against the united forces of the Trade Federation, the Hapes Consortium, the Falleen Federation, and the Antarian Rangers. Kazvar famously disappeared on the eve of the battle and then reappeared months later. (Full article...)

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This Month in History
  • Day 112, Year 2: Liberty News Investigations, a popular scandal sheet known for its lurid stories, began publication.
  • Day 113, Year 3: The Dark Empire arrested and executed the president of the Ubrikkian Corporation.
  • Day 114, Year 4: Governor Jerome Antilles of Lorell, a Hapan planet, was fatally shot while giving a public speech
  • Day 118, Year 15: Total Outer Rim Scouts discovered the system Vasuuli at location (-23, 118).
  • Day 133, Year 4:Charon was deposed as Emperor of the Galactic Empire and chaos ensued.
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