Year 14
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This is a chronological list of noteworthy events that occurred in Year 14. For an overview of all such events, see Timeline.
For the summary of events preceding the Galactic Civil War, see History of the Galaxy.

- Day 1: The Great Animosity Plague begins in Derra system. The Battle for Derra IV begins.
- Day 1: Galactic Rescue Ops, a benevolent transportation company, is licensed under the leadership of Mouse Woodlake.
- Day 4: Warlord Squall Chitose of Eidola escapes from his six month imprisonment by the Raptor Pirates.
- Day 6: The First Annual Tournament of Derra announced by Rochi Zaraki.
- Day 7: Depatar is dissolved.
- Day 7: Oniworld specializes in Ships and will be led by Felidae Takeda. The first headquarters of Oniworld today opened in Kitcherton #13.
- Day 7: Questal Industries is dissolved today.
- Day 7: Zann Interstellar Co is renamed to Andron Industries.
- Day 9: After a series of intense negotiations Dark Star Hellions and Guardian Security Force merge their criminal operations.
- Day 12: Golden Moon Transportation is dissolved today.
- Day 15: Zer Corp is renamed to Raging Banthas. The collective is led by Vinz Zer, formerly an honest trader.
- Day 16: Kyramud Cabal is renamed to GalSec.
- Day 17: Cheda Quche is elected as the eighth New Republic Chief of State, replacing Taka Aioko who served two terms.
- Day 19: Hyperspace explorers discover the system Qiilura at location (-26, 203).
- Day 20: Poh`Kurfrunt Shipyards is dissolved.
- Day 24: Bosph, Caamasi, Kaleesh, Ryn, Sluissi, and Squib races enter the Galactic scene.
- Day 25: Kira Sector government begins quarantine zone surrounding the planet of Derra IV in efforts to contain the Great Animosity Plague.
- Day 25: Scientists in their efforts to cure the Great Animosity Plague accidentally release the Metamorphosis Plague that was once thought extinct after it had ravaged the galaxy a decade earlier. The new strain seems to afflict all known sentient races, instead of being confined to just humans. Scientists claim the Metamorphosis Plague will have run its course within a month.
- Day 28: Clan Breviin is a Smugglers group and will be led by Xerxas Jade. The first headquarters of Clan Breviin today opened in Xjan 7.
- Day 28: Clan Breviin is rechristened as Breviin Hauling.
- Day 29: Black Bha`lir is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Xu Xlaar Vivan. The first headquarters of Black Bha`lir today opened in Nova Kridas.
- Day 29: Lucin Syndicate is dissolved.
- Day 30: After a daring and perhaps brash political move on the part of Falleen Federation, Centrepoint Space Station has decided to cede the reins of power, leaving the citizens of Mondress under the control of Falleen Federation.
- Day 30: Varangian Guard is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Simon Eusnomis. The first headquarters of Varangian Guard today opened in Valhalla.
- Day 30: The The Mercenary Guild, holding numerous systems, today claimed their independence. The The Mercenary Guild is now recognized in the Galaxy as a legal government.
- Day 30: Blackout Shipyards is dissolved.
- Day 30: Corellian Merchants Guild specializes in Items and will be led by Tanner McFadden. The first headquarters of Corellian Merchants Guild today opened in Kitcherton #2.
- Day 32: Andromeda is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Nikita Kurasava. The first headquarters of Andromeda today opened in new24.
- Day 34: Galentro Heavy Works is dissolved.
- Day 37: El-Star Essentials is rechristened as Kalsi Ascendency.
- Day 37: Shadow Syndicate is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Vane Celestin. The first headquarters of Shadow Syndicate today opened in Driceal.
- Day 37: Ender Arms specializes in Items and will be led by Seth Ender. The first headquarters of Ender Arms today opened in SMC Athena, South.
- Day 38: Cancerian Technologies specializes in Ships and will be led by Crepitus Quix. The first headquarters of Cancerian Technologies today opened in Crepitus Quix reserved.
- Day 39: Deadman Lines is dissolved.
- Day 39: Smugglers Alliance is rechristened as Deadman Lines.
- Day 43: After a series of intense negotiations the Corellian Merchants Guild and Ord Wurkz have merged their operations into a single entity under the Corellian Merchants Guild.
- Day 46: Freedom Galactic News is dissolved.
- Day 46: Varangian Guard is dissolved.
- Day 46: Kastolar Union founded.
- Day 47: Aliit Du'trachek, a Mandalorian clan loyal to Warlord Tyr DeMeer, is reconstituted.
- Day 49: Nova Demons was dissolved today.
- Day 52: Telma Tech Shipyards, a shipwright firm led by Krios Malana, opens for business.
- Day 53: Yavin Hypernautics is rechristened as Lamborari.
- Day 54: Force Guardians temporarily dissolves due to bankruptcy, but is reconstituted the same day by Davik Kaisho.
- Day 55: Hyperspace explorers discover the system Lorahns at location (217, -138).
- Day 57: New Republic Chief of State Cheda Quche is captured by brigand Fleur`De Rouge and transferred to Imperial custody.
- Day 57: Today a new company opens for business. Pentastar Alignment specializes in Mining and will be led by Solarius Masha. The first headquarters of Pentastar Alignment today opened in KN AvI 35%.
- Day 57: The Pentastar Alignment temporarily dissolves due to inactivity, but is reconstituted the same day.
- Day 57: A new information group is offering its service from today on. NOVAcom will be led by Hondo Maximus and opened its first headquarters in 8,8 Serabit Khadim (*).
- Day 60: Cheda Quche is executed on the Holonet by Emperor Guinar Ndengin after Imperial Courts find him guilty of terrorism and other crimes.
- Day 65: Today a new company opens for business. Knights of the Old Republic specializes in Items and will be led by Kay Dallben. The first headquarters of Knights of the Old Republic today opened in KOTOR Training Grounds.
- Day 69: Hyperspace explorers discover the system Wynth at location (-4, 137).
- Day 74: Today a new company opens for business. Arden Interstellar specializes in Ships and will be led by Geoff Jackson. The first headquarters of Arden Interstellar today opened in Religious City.
- Day 75: Subpro Medical has been renamed to Neuro-Saav Technologies. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 76: Following the grisly death of Cheda Quche, Azzi Blackgate is elected Chief of State of the New Republic.
- Day 76: The eXiles becomes a formal government, albeit as a protectorate of the Krath Dynasty.
- Day 76: Siejo Kutol once again becomes leader of the Corporate Alliance.
- Day 79: A new military force emerged today. Red Moon Coalition is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Gilbert Reed. The first headquarters of Red Moon Coalition today opened in New Garretton (9,2).
- Day 87: Today a new company opens for business. Reclamation Services Inc specializes in Recycling and will be led by Gajeel Dragneel. The first headquarters of Reclamation Services Inc today opened in Simkin's SeaSide Resort.
- Day 89: Today a new company opens for business. FulCon Foundation specializes in Mining and will be led by Fulco D`Este. The first headquarters of FulCon Foundation today opened in Sorceress’s Playground.
- Day 92: SynthTech Corporation was dissolved today due to inactivity.
- Day 92: Today a new company opens for business. Dukha Industrial specializes in Ships and will be led by Kain Eckert. The first headquarters of Dukha Industrial today opened in Dukhajaya.
- Day 92: Today a new company opens for business. Endrina Technologies specializes in Ships and will be led by Nay Lee. The first headquarters of Endrina Technologies today opened in Driceal.
- Day 92: Today a new company opens for business. Trilon Inc. specializes in Ships and will be led by Heuk Gisa. The first headquarters of Trilon Inc. today opened in SMC Shiva.
- Day 95: Intrepid explorers discover the system Blathar at location (292, -172).
- Day 96: Robca Real E`state, a mining company, is founded by Xakic Jix and is affiliated with the Raging Banthas.
- Day 97: Reclamation Services Inc is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 97: The New Republic announces the opening of the Galactic Museum.
- Day 98: Hyperspace explorers discover the system Lorrd at location (99, 357).
- Day 100: The Galactic Museum space station opened its doors to the public.
- Day 101: Hyperspace explorers discover the system X-110 at location (307, 365).
- Day 102: GalSec is dissolved.
- Day 102: Bilbringi Resource Operations, a mining company, is founded by entrepaneur Kain Elderan.
- Day 102: The Galactic Commerce Collective, holding numerous systems, becomes a formal government.
- Day 103: Hapes Consortium, Trade Federation, Mandalore, Tion Hegemony and Aurodium Legion form the Galactic Concordiate.[1]
- Day 103: Viceroy Jacob Jansen is elected the first Magistrate of the Galactic Concordiate.
- Day 103: Endrina Technologies is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 103: Galactic Solutions Industries is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 103: The Shadow Syndicate is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 103: Dek Salure, the leader of Tresario Salvage Yards was replaced today by Vernon Foxtail.
- Day 104: Kriz Medical Bureau is founded by Flar Gar.
- Day 108: Galactic Solutions Industries is dissolved.
- Day 119: A new cult emerged today. New Alissma will try to attract worshippers, under the leadership of Wes Reed. The first headquarters of New Alissma today opened in AraKeen.
- Day 119: From today on, a new group will offer medical service to the beings of this galaxy. Falleen Medical Contracts is led by Tihany Chrome and opened its first headquarters in FFC Klaymor 4-2 01 01.
- Day 123: Jado Dur`rik replaces Rick Farlander as monarch of the Falleen Federation.
- Day 123: Andromeda Motors is founded as a nationalized subsidiary of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
- Day 124: Imperial Union scouts have discovered the system Iego at location (412, 227). Upon discovering the system, we are also welcoming the Diathim race into the galactic family.
- Day 128: The Guild Bank is dissolved.
- Day 128: Andron Industries is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 128: Exiled Rangers is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 128: The Tahir Syndicate is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 129: The Shadow Syndicate is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 129: Chiss Ascendancy is dissolved due to inactivity.
- Day 129: House Yar is renamed Chiss Ascendancy
- Day 130: Today a new company opens for business. Cancerian Mining Corporation specializes in Mining and will be led by Dajak Csaba. The first headquarters of Cancerian Mining Corporation today opened in Hevesvezekeny..
- Day 139: Ankh Biomedical Services is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 140: Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps, a shipwright firm, is founded by Gerg Badger on Urce IV.
- Day 141: Galactic Rescue Ops is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 142: The Findsmen is dissolved due to inactivity.
- Day 147: Lethe Merchandising is dissolved due to inactivity.
- Day 148: Ender Arms was dissolved today due to inactivity.
- Day 151: Today a new company opens for business. Rim Mining Guild specializes in Mining and will be led by Vesper Chambers. The first headquarters of Rim Mining Guild today opened in Trammis II City #12.
- Day 152: Red Moon Coalition has been renamed to the Corporate Sector Authority.
- Day 157: United Rebel Front was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 168: A new military force emerged today. Red Fury Brotherhood is a Pirates group and will be led by Echuu Shen-Jon. The first headquarters of Red Fury Brotherhood today opened in Red Fury Brotherhood.
- Day 174: Hyperspace explorers discover the system Nulan at location (158, -323).
- Day 176: White Star specializes in Ships and will be led by Alexander von Ismay. The first headquarters of White Star today opened in Tarouniac TP 2.
- Day 176: Robca Real E`state is dissolved due to bankruptcy.
- Day 178: A new military force emerged today. Sun Guard is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Vaas Dae`skal. The first headquarters of Sun Guard today opened in Edmonia.
- Day 185: Ellipsis has been renamed to Sempiternus. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 185: A new cult emerged today. Church of Reansucru will try to attract worshippers, under the leadership of Gabriel Kaine. The first headquarters of Church of Reansucru today opened in Ogird.
- Day 195: Today a new company opens for business. The Octagon League specializes in Items and will be led by Gamba Jaboli. The first headquarters of The Octagon League today opened in Cliffside.
- Day 195: Today a new company opens for business. Ardenian Drive Yards specializes in Ships and will be led by Aliyah Shee`lil. The first headquarters of Ardenian Drive Yards today opened in Ardenia [MEL].
- Day 198: Endrina Technologies has been renamed to The Phoenix Foundation. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 200: Today a new company opens for business. De`Fel Merchant Fleet specializes in Recycling and will be led by Vorian De`Fel. The first headquarters of De`Fel Merchant Fleet today opened in New-Kasdor.
- Day 204: A new military force emerged today. Ellipsis is a Pirates group and will be led by Avicii Tempah. The first headquarters of Ellipsis today opened in MINE!.
- Day 206: First Sun has been renamed to The Beat by the Ori Ramikade time to hide. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 206: Today a new company opens for business. Intergalactic Parcel Service specializes in Recycling and will be led by Hal Moore. The first headquarters of Intergalactic Parcel Service today opened in TI Alhazi.
- Day 207: The Beat by the Ori Ramikade time to hide has been renamed to Myk`Chur Mercinaries. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 207: Myk`Chur Mercinaries was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 208: Sempiternus was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 213: Breviin Hauling has been renamed to The Breviin Crusaders. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 223: Uukaablis Trans-Systems was dissolved today due to inactivity.
- Day 224: The Jensaarai was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 230: Banquo Knox, the feared leader of Black Sun, is succeeded by Cait Catra.
- Day 230: Hyperspace explorers discover the system Lirra at location (423, -3).
- Day 232: Syn of the Eidola Pirates captures Seele, the Imperial Executor, on Ylesia.[2]
- Day 234: Barab Spacewerkz was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 235: Damorian Manufacturing Corporation was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 250: De`Fel Merchant Fleet was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 251: Force Guardians has been renamed to Jedi Medical. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 251: Sector 44 was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 253: Kagada Corporation was dissolved today due to inactivity.
- Day 254: Ni`Lyahin Smugglers was dissolved today due to inactivity.
- Day 260: A new information group is offering its service from today on. Neutral Publications Conglomerate will be led by Varlathotep Al`Jormungandr Ragnvaldansson and opened its first headquarters in Kroctar 2,2 HH.
- Day 260: A new information group is offering its service from today on. Aperture Intelligence will be led by Quentin Quinn and opened its first headquarters in Gandville.
- Day 260: Jedi Medical was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 261: From today on, a new group will offer medical service to the beings of this galaxy. Jedi Medical is led by Dorian Tecto and opened its first headquarters in Ossus 10-6.
- Day 262: A new military force emerged today. Phoenix Vu`Traat is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Davik Kaisho. The first headquarters of Phoenix Vu`Traat today opened in Phoenix City (2,13)
- Day 268: Neuro-Saav Technologies was dissolved today due to inactivity.
- Day 270: Today a new company opens for business. Faerytail Recycling specializes in Recycling and will be led by Keith Strykar. The first headquarters of Faerytail Recycling today opened in FTM City of SIMS.
- Day 273: Neutral Publications Conglomerate was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 273: Nagatee Inc. was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 273: Today a new company opens for business. Nagatee Technologies specializes in Items and will be led by Jeff Knight. The first headquarters of Nagatee Technologies today opened in [NK] Kreeling Nagatee Inc. HQ
- Day 278: Mandroxan Syndicate was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 278: The Black Sun has found it increasingly difficult in recent times to maintain control over the remnants of their original planets. The high council convened and have decided that as their current situation cannot be rectified, they surrender sovereign authority over the planets they control, and assume the status of a Trading group.
- Day 281: Jawas gather on Toprawa IV for their annual Swap Meet
- Day 282: Dark Skies Gearworks was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 283: A new military force emerged today. Black Watch is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Nyarlathotep Alaks. The first headquarters of Black Watch today opened in KMI |Skone| Bra 2.
- Day 286: Gabus Peacecraft, the leader of InterGalactic Banking Clan was replaced today by Derek Zenox.
- Day 286: Today a new company opens for business. VP Capital Investments specializes in Trading and will be led by Corey Vildras. The first headquarters of VP Capital Investments today opened in Yen #139.
- Day 286: Corey Vildras, the leader of VP Capital Investments was replaced today by Gabus Peacecraft.
- Day 286: Derek Zenox, the leader of InterGalactic Banking Clan was replaced today by Sven Wan.
- Day 291: Black Bha`lir have discovered the system Codru at location (423, 266).
- Day 293: Outland Mining Corporation have discovered the system Nichen at location (154, 299).
- Day 294: A new military force emerged today. New Arnak Obsidian is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Marak Naar. The first headquarters of New Arnak Obsidian today opened in Stormwatch 3,7.
- Day 296: From today on, a new group will offer medical service to the beings of this galaxy. Elite Medical Technologies is led by Jaden Black and opened its first headquarters in Medical Haven.
- Day 298: Raging Banthas was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 298:: From today on, a new group will offer medical service to the beings of this galaxy. Caduceus is led by Vash Miller and opened its first headquarters in RMC HQ.
- Day 300: Cait Catra, the ruler of the Black Sun crime syndicate, is succeeded by Niobe Asha.
- Day 300: From today on, a new group will offer medical service to the beings of this galaxy. De` Cobray is led by Ximo Jobal and opened its first headquarters in Refinery City.
- Day 300: Cancerian Mining Corporation was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 303: Subpro Corporation has been renamed to NeuroSaav Technologies. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 303: A new military force emerged today. Armed Forces of Alissma is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Zarthra Zoid. The first headquarters of Armed Forces of Alissma today opened in AFA Capital City.
- Day 304: Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 304: Today a new company opens for business. Premium Paint and Design specializes in custom portraits and entity paint jobs and will be led by Filithell Arborin. The first headquarters of Premium Paint and Design today opened in Sphinx.
- Day 305: Xerxas Jade, the leader of Arden Interstellar was replaced today by Geoff Jackson.
- Day 306: NeuroSavv Technologies has been renamed to Neuro-Saav Technologies. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 306: Minerva Umgee, the leader of Serv-O-Droid, Inc. was replaced today by Kan Naminaus.
- Day 306: First annual Jawa Swap Meet ends.
- Day 307: A new military force emerged today. Corsair is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Minerva Umgee. The first headquarters of Corsair today opened in Zoo City.
- Day 307: Trista Daywalker, the leader of Southern Rim Free Trade Association was replaced today by Kural Benos.
- Day 308: Merblan Occus, the leader of Kriz Medical Bureau was replaced today by Simon Eusnomis.
- Day 309: The Empire of the Hand have discovered the system Bestal at location (-151, -404).
- Day 309: Flar Gar, the leader of The Empire of the Hand was replaced today by Simon Eusnomis.
- Day 309: Simon Eusnomis, the leader of Kriz Medical Bureau was replaced today by Wade Flynn.
- Day 309: The population of Bestal Three, largely disenfranchised from their planetary rulers sponsored by the despised Kriz Medical Bureau, have announced today that they are transferring the bulk of power to The Empire of the Hand instead, in hopes of stimulating their economy through their mining operations.
- Day 309: The population of Bestal, largely disenfranchised from their planetary rulers sponsored by the despised Kriz Medical Bureau, have announced today that they are transferring the bulk of power to The Empire of the Hand instead, in hopes of stimulating their economy through their mining operations.
- Day 311: Today a new company opens for business. Vorsia Gearworks specializes in Recycling and will be led by Olwin Froon. The first headquarters of Vorsia Gearworks today opened in Tyrus.
- Day 311: Grave Tok, the leader of Raptor Pirates was replaced today by PaulDaJedi.
- Day 311: En Sabah Nur, the leader of Order of Krath was replaced today by Dargah Sheikha.
- Day 312: New Arnak Obsidian was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 312: Olwin Froon, the leader of Vorsia Gearworks was replaced today by Lilith Delcroix.
- Day 313: Mauth Drakyne, the leader of SoroSuub Corporation was replaced today by Eira Cardas.
- Day 313: Rogue Squadron has successfully negotiated control of Spindrift, Ma`ar Shaddam II, and Ma`ar Shaddam V from Caduceus.
- Day 313: Caduceus relinquished control of Spindrift IV, Ma`ar Shaddam, and Ma`ar Shaddam VI to the Raptor Pirates.
- Day 314: Torran Forano, the leader of Baktoid Armour Workshop was replaced today by Salamku Derov.
- Day 314: Caduceus was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 314: A new report suggests that Centrepoint Space Station has been steadily gaining influence in Ma`ar Shaddam V government, and is now considered the ruling power - rather than simply the most powerful lobby group.
- Day 315: Kan Naminaus, the leader of Serv-O-Droid, Inc. was replaced today by Jeraq Moridin.
- Day 315: Uncertainty surrounds the leadership position of Serv-O-Droid, Inc. as the second replacement, Demandred Medar, was installed just moments ago.
- Day 315: After visibly improving the economy, Boonta III's citizens have called together a council to hand over authority to Cancerian Technologies.
- Day 315: Milenko Carnage, the leader of Galactic Ship Manufacturing was replaced today by Merlin Myk`Chur.
- Day 316: Dorian Tecto, the leader of Jedi Medical was replaced today by Mitos Lau.
- Day 316: Galactic Ship Manufacturing was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 317: A new military force emerged today. Oniworld Security Services is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Pacheco Mandinga. Their first headquarters opened today in ONI-Madriguera.
- Day 317: Pacheco Mandinga, the leader of Oniworld Security Services was replaced today by Alexander Anderson.
- Day 318: Spiri Solon, the leader of Lumiere Apothecary was replaced today by Tavarius Kalia.
- Day 318: Wayfarers Sodality was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 319: Rather than fall in line with Mercenary Guild's recent requests, Ansion issued a release today announcing that they have formally accepted the more conciliatory terms of a planetary body, and have declared Mercenary Guild a criminal organization on their planet.
- Day 319: Mika Noris, the leader of The Exchange was replaced today by Artor Skyhopper.
- Day 320: The Kalsi Ascendency was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 323: The Freedom Warriors have discovered the system Kether at location (97, -131).
- Day 323: After a show of proverbial muscle on the part of Freedom Warriors, the citizens of Kether B have decided that it would be best if they were to simply hand power over to Freedom Warriors, as opposed to continuing to hold out and possibly encouraging a more hostile takeover.
- Day 324: After a show of proverbial muscle on the part of Freedom Warriors, the citizens of Kether C have decided that it would be best if they were to simply hand power over to Freedom Warriors, as opposed to continuing to hold out and possibly encouraging a more hostile takeover.
- Day 324: The eXiles have found it increasingly difficult in recent times to maintain control over the remnants of their original planets. The high council convened and have decided that as their current situation cannot be rectified, they surrender sovereign authority over the planets they control, and assume the status of a Recycling group.
- Day 325: Nyarlathotep Alaks, the leader of Black Watch was replaced today by Sathis Kasai.
- Day 326: Crepitus Quix, the leader of Cancerian Technologies was replaced today by Csongor Wolf.
- Day 328: After a show of proverbial muscle on the part of Freedom Warriors, the citizens of Kether A have decided that it would be best if they were to simply hand power over to Freedom Warriors, as opposed to continuing to hold out and possibly encouraging a more hostile takeover.
- Day 328: Sol Savrek, the leader of Slayn and Korpil was replaced today by Theofan Maercan.
- Day 329: Rather than fall in line with Tresario Star Kingdom's recent requests, Murkhana III issued a release today announcing that they have formally accepted the more conciliatory terms of a planetary body, and have declared Tresario Star Kingdom a criminal organization on their planet.
- Day 329: Jacen Bae`le, the leader of Cathuun Corporation was replaced today by Sevk Ill`er.
- Day 331: Bossive Ketwol, the leader of Lamborari was replaced today by Inrokini`luci Sabile.
- Day 331: Minerva Umgee, the leader of Corsair was replaced today by Salabastian Ord.
- Day 332: Bothan Media Services have discovered the system Sabrixin at location (250, -400).
- Day 332: Rather than fall in line with Mercenary Guild's recent requests, Dbari I issued a release today announcing that they have formally accepted the more conciliatory terms of a planetary body, and have declared Mercenary Guild a criminal organization on their planet.
- Day 332: Salabastian Ord, the leader of Corsair was replaced today by Zackery Elliot.
- Day 332: Following a meeting between the two governments, Hapes Consortium handed over control of the Manress system to the Trade Federation.

- Day 333: King Alexander Tylger of the Hapes Consortium announces his abdication. Zayth Kadrim is chosen as his successor.[3]
- Day 333: Tyler Struan, the leader of Imperial Mining Corporation was replaced today by Antares Brenner Nuroudo.
- Day 333: Tyris Elensar, the leader of Corellian Engineering Corporation was replaced today by Otto Mustard.
- Day 333: Jeff Knight, the leader of Nagatee Technologies was replaced today by Aeternal Conclave.
- Day 336: Jaden Black, the leader of Elite Medical Technologies was replaced today by Nicoliza Blunt.
- Day 336: It was bound to happen sooner or later, the local population of Korfin Moon have risen up against the unsavoury Ellipsis and quickly instituted their own local form of government in an attempt to rebuild.
- Day 337: Dukha Industrial scouts have discovered the system Dubrillion at location (-41, 399).
- Day 337: After a series of leader changes, Xek`ail Saverem was replaced by Vinz Zer as the leader of Dark Star Hellions.
- Day 337: Freedom Warriors Naval Industries was dissolved today due to bankruptcy.
- Day 339: Qard Sharq, the leader of D`Este Realty was replaced today by Harad Treiraxu.
- Day 340: Triumvirate Coalition scouts have discovered the system Thanos at location (244, 138). Upon discovering the system, we are also welcoming the Togorian race into the galactic family.
- Day 341: Craulani Ortesma, the leader of Ubrikkian Industries was replaced today by Popara Anjiliac Diresto.
- Day 341: The ease with which Dukha Industrial had visibly improved the economy of Destrillion and Dubrillion has made it increasingly obvious to their citizens that Dukha Industrial would make more than sufficient leadership, and both planets have called together a council, intended to hand over authority to Dukha Industrial.
- Day 342: A new cult emerged today. The Sith Order will try to attract worshippers, under the leadership of Myn Kuat. The first headquarters of The Sith Order today opened in Rock of Darkness.
- Day 342: Namma Craken, the leader of Koros Spaceworks was replaced today by Bancho Curr.
- Day 342: Garon Lennister, the leader of Kuat Drive Yards was replaced today by Ted Winner.
- Day 343: Rather than fall in line with Mercenary Guild's recent requests, Malari II issued a release today announcing that they have formally accepted the more conciliatory terms of a planetary body, and have declared Mercenary Guild a criminal organization on their planet.
- Day 343: After a daring and perhaps brash political move on the part of Galactic Empire, Mercenary Guild has decided to cede the reins of power, leaving the citizens of Malari I and Malari under the control of Galactic Empire.
- Day 343: Alexander Anderson, the leader of Oniworld Security Services was replaced today by Pacheco Mandinga.
- Day 345: After a daring and perhaps brash political move on the part of Galactic Empire, Mercenary Guild has decided to cede the reins of power, leaving the citizens of Sulmou, Dbari, Dbari III, and Dbari IV under the control of Galactic Empire.
- Day 345: A new military force emerged today. Blackout Mercenaries is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Ichiru Hanabusa. The first headquarters of Blackout Mercenaries today opened in Blackout City.
- Day 345: After a daring and perhaps brash political move on the part of Galactic Empire, Mercenary Guild has decided to cede the reins of power, leaving the citizens of Trauchta, Soltan, and Gaulix under the control of Galactic Empire.
- Day 345: Dragomir Kies, the leader of Eriadu Authority was replaced today by Kai Arkanian.
- Day 345: A new report suggests that InterGalactic Banking Clan has been steadily gaining influence in VP03 government, and is now considered the ruling power - rather than simply the most powerful lobby group.
- Day 346: Simon Eusnomis, the leader of The Empire of the Hand was replaced today by Flar Gar.
- Day 346: Embracing the beliefs of The Sith Order, the majority of Syvris Asteroid Belt have instituted it as their sole means of governance.
- Day 348: Troy Yoyort, the leader of Tapani Starship Cooperative was replaced today by Eliab ben Benyamin.
- Day 349: Rather than fall in line with Tion Hegemony's recent requests, Amarin issued a release today announcing that they have formally accepted the more conciliatory terms of a planetary body, and have declared Tion Hegemony a criminal organization on their planet.
- Day 350: Akuma Ell, the leader of Akheton Medical Services was replaced today by Tabty Haasza.
- Day 350: A new military force emerged today. Dael`mor is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Cait Catra. The first headquarters of Dael`mor today opened in Den of Vigos.
- Day 350: Today marked the ascendency of Dael`mor into Gree system politics, as they managed to secure their own candidate's legitimacy was respected by the planet's previous ruling powers long tied to Black Sun.
- Day 350: Niobe Asha, the leader of Black Sun was replaced today by Alexander von Ismay.
- Day 350: Today a new company opens for business. InterGalactic Ore specializes in Mining and will be led by Nat Dues. The first headquarters of InterGalactic Ore today opened in Nulan VI (5,4) - Capital.
- Day 351: After a show of proverbial muscle on the part of Dael`mor, the citizens of Iego Moon Ring B and Iego Moon Ring J have decided that it would be best if they were to simply hand power over to Dael`mor, as opposed to continuing to hold out and possibly encouraging a more hostile takeover.
- Day 352: Naga Karr, the leader of The Potentium Order was replaced today by Odac Drol.
- Day 352: The populations of a number of planets from the Nulan, Arbran, and Santarine systems, largely disenfranchised from their planetary rulers sponsored by the despised The Arkanian Brotherhood, have announced today that they are transferring the bulk of power to InterGalactic Ore instead, in hopes of stimulating their economy through their mining operations.
- Day 353: Armed Forces of Alissma has been renamed to Mandroxan Cartel. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 354: A recent survey of the 8 major regions of Lorahns suggests that the population cite their primary loyalty to adhering to the teachings of The Jedi Order, indicating a loss of fealty to Triumvirate Coalition.
- Day 354: The Arkanian Brotherhood has been renamed to Arkanian Brotherhood Engineering. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 354: Gavin Kaos, the leader of Arkanian Brotherhood Engineering was replaced today by Va`Li Owa.
- Day 355: Embracing the beliefs of Church of Reansucru, the majority of Colavas 1 have instituted it as their sole means of governance.
- Day 355: Due to the increasing prosperity of Jedi Medical's autonomous production centres on Lorahns, and subsequently the settlements constructed to house workers there, the overall economy under The Jedi Order, has substantially weakened, while Jedi Medical has prospered and convinced the locals to elect them to the new ruling position.
- Day 355: A new military force emerged today. Arkanian Brotherhood is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Gavin Kaos. The first headquarters of Arkanian Brotherhood today opened in Arbra (7,4) - Residential District.
- Day 355: In a series of announcements, InterGalactic Ore was replaced by Arkanian Brotherhood as the governing body in the Nulan, Arbran, and Santarine systems.
- Day 355: Nat Dues, the leader of InterGalactic Ore was replaced today by Azural Jamai.
- Day 355: Jorus Serto, the leader of The Galactic Stock Exchange was replaced today by Wolfgang von Schlavendorf.
- Day 357: Rennoit LeBeau, the leader of LBX Holdings was replaced today by Kraton Xel.
- Day 359: Sven Wan, the leader of InterGalactic Banking Clan was replaced today by Paparrin.
- Day 359: Following recent economic and political events on VP03, the InterGalactic Banking Clan was forced to withdraw their influence over the planet. To help secure the political and economic stability of the planet, Corporate Sector Authority. has stepped in as the governing body. The citizens embrace this move and welcome the change as it brings stability to their lives.
- Day 360: Paparrin, the leader of InterGalactic Banking Clan was replaced today by Bossive Ketwol.
- Day 361: InterGalactic Banking Clan was dissolved today.
- Day 361: Lamborari has been renamed to InterGalactic Banking Clan. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
- Day 363: Southern Rim Free Trade Association was dissolved today.
- Day 363: Inrokini`luci Sabile, the leader of InterGalactic Banking Clan was replaced today by Bossive Ketwol.
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