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Formally established organisations in the galaxy.
This category has the following 79 subcategories, out of 79 total.
- Organisations dissolved in Year 0
- Organisations dissolved in Year 2
- Organisations dissolved in Year 3
- Organisations dissolved in Year 4
- Organisations dissolved in Year 5
- Organisations dissolved in Year 6
- Organisations dissolved in Year 7
- Organisations dissolved in Year 8
- Organisations dissolved in Year 9
- Organisations dissolved in Year 1
- Organisations dissolved in Year 10
- Organisations dissolved in Year 11
- Organisations dissolved in Year 12
- Droid Manufacturers
- Force-based Organisations
- Organisations founded in Year -1
- Organisations founded in Year 0
- Organisations founded in Year 1
- Organisations founded in Year 2
- Organisations founded in Year 3
- Organisations founded in Year 5
- Organisations founded in Year 6
- Organisations founded in Year 7
- Organisations founded in Year 8
- Organisations founded in Year 9
- Organisations founded in Year 10
- Organisations founded in Year 11
- Organisations founded in Year 12
- Organisations founded in Year 13
- Organisation-specific Categories
- Organisations dissolved before Year 0
- Organisations dissolved in Y25
- Organisations dissolved in Year 13
- Organisations dissolved in Year 14
- Organisations dissolved in Year 15
- Organisations dissolved in Year 16
- Organisations dissolved in Year 17
- Organisations dissolved in Year 18
- Organisations dissolved in Year 19
- Organisations dissolved in Year 20
- Organisations dissolved in Year 21
- Organisations founded before Year 0
- Organisations founded in Year 14
- Organisations founded in Year 15
- Organisations founded in Year 16
- Organisations founded in Year 17
- Organisations founded in Year 18
- Organisations founded in Year 19
- Organisations founded in Year 20
- Organisations founded in Year 21
- Organisations founded in Year 22
- Organisations founded in Year 23
- Organisations founded in Year 4
Pages in category "Organisations"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 696 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A7 Mining
- Aggregate Civil Liberties Organization
- Ailon Nova Guard
- Ailon Nova Guard (Year 7 - 12)
- Ailon Nova Guard(Years 2 - 12)
- Akheton Corporation
- Akheton Cosmonautic Corporation
- Akheton Medical Service
- Akheton Medical Services
- Akheton Mining Corporation
- Akheton Vehicle Corporation
- Akheton Vehicle Diviison
- Alderaan Mining Corporation
- Alissma
- Alliance of Mercenary Consortiums
- Alliance Special Operations
- Alliance Special Operations (Year 11)
- Alpha Medical Corps
- Amitus Corporation
- Andromeda
- Andromeda Armory
- Andromeda Conglomerate
- Andromeda Motors
- Andromeda Republic
- Andromeda Salvage and Restoration
- Andromeda Security Services
- Andromeda Starforge
- Andron Industries
- Ankh Biomedical Services
- Ankh Recycling Enterprises
- Anzatan Commonwealth
- Anzatan Medical
- Anzatan Resource Extractions
- Aperture Intelligence
- Arakyd Industries (Year 11)
- Arakyd Industries (Year 2)
- Aratech
- Archduchy of Tolonda
- Arden Interstellar
- Ardenian Drive Yards
- Argent Company
- Arkanian Brotherhood
- Arkanian Brotherhood (Year 13 - 16)
- Arkanian Dominion
- Arkanian Engineers
- Arkanian Micro
- Arkanian Royal Engineers
- Arkhan Heavy Industries
- Askajian Harbingers
- Astaroth
- Astralwerks Engineering
- Athakam MedTech
- Aurodium Legion
- Aurora Conglomerate
- Aurora Mining Technologies
- Aurora Reclamation Technologies
- Aurora Technologies
- Aurora Technologies (Years 5-12)
- Autonomous Claim
- Ayervon Recycling Enterprises
- Baktoid Armour Workshop
- Bando Gora
- Banvhar Combine
- Baobab Merchant Fleet
- Baobab Merchant Fleet (Year 9 - Year 21)
- Bilbringi Resource Operations
- Bilbringi Shipyards
- Binaros Smuggling Alliance
- Binring Biomedical Products
- Biotech
- Black Bha`lir
- Black Curs
- Black Dragons
- Black Dust Industries
- Black Hole Manufacturing
- Black Nebula (Year 9)
- Black Nebula (Years 8-9)
- Black Rose Extractions
- Black Star Corporation
- Black Sun
- Black Sun (Year 13)
- Black Watch (company)
- Blackout Mercenaries
- Blackout Shipyards
- BlasTech Corporation
- BlasTech Industries
- Blazing Pulsar Exploration
- Blue Sabre Transportation
- Blue Star Dominion
- Bothan Media Services
- Bounty Hunter Alliance
- Bounty Hunters Guild
- Bright Jewel Cluster
- Brotherhood Mortalis
- Brotherhood of the Night
- Brotherhood of the Sand
- Caduceus
- Cancerian Mining Corporation
- Cancerian Technologies
- Cantrell Consulting
- Cantrell Institute
- Cantrell Institute of the Arts
- Car'das Smugglers
- Cathuun Corporation
- Celestial Heavy-Tech
- Centarra Mining
- Centrepoint HealthCare
- Centrepoint Mining
- Centrepoint Space Station
- Centurion Arms
- Cerberus Corporation
- Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company
- Chimaera Consulting
- Chiss Ascendancy
- Chiss Ascendancy (Year 10)
- Chiss Ascendancy (Year 13)
- Chiss Ascendancy (Year 8)
- Chiss Ascendancy (Year 9)
- Chiss Ascendancy(Year 10)
- Chiss Ascendancy-In-Exile
- Chiss Material Extractions
- Chiss Parliament
- Chiss Society
- Church of Reansucru
- Cirrus Colonies Incorporated
- Clone Advocacy Office
- Cloud City
- Cloud City (Year 13)
- Cloud City (Year 6)
- Colonial Banking Network
- Colonial Shockball League
- Commerce Guild
- Commonality
- CommonGround
- Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Confederacy of Independent Systems (Company)
- Confederate Recycling Company
- Confederate Remnant
- Corellian Engineering Corporation
- Corellian Merchants Guild
- Corellian Transport Services
- CorEx
- Corporate Alliance
- Corporate Sector Authority
- Corporate Sector Authority (Year 14)
- Corporate Sector Authority (Years 11-12)
- Corporate Sector Authority (Years 5-10)
- Corsair
- CorSec
- Cortex
- Council of Native Races
- Counts of Serenno
- Covert Activities Cadre
- Crepan
- Creshaldyne Industries
- Creshaldyne Industries (Year 12)
- Critical Mass Mining
- Cron Resurrection
- CryoMed Group
- CryoMed Laboratories
- Cyber Technology
- Cybot Galactica
- Cygnus Spaceworks
- Cythe Group
- Czerka Corporation
- Damask Holdings
- Damorian Manufacturing Corporation
- Danaan Porter
- Dark Empire
- Dark Nebula Alliance
- Dark Skies Gearworks
- Dark Star Hellions
- Deadman Lines
- DEEPCORE Mining Corporation
- DefenStar Ltd.
- Delta One Industries
- Depatar
- De` Cobray
- De`Fel Merchant Fleet
- DOM Arsenal
- Dorinian Military Corps
- Dorvalla Mining
- Drax Industries
- Dread
- Dreadful Wolves
- DroMor Motors
- Dukha Industrial
- Duros High House
- Duros Union
- DynaCorp
- D`Este Realty