MC-80a Star Cruiser: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 17:26, 2 April 2011

The MC80 was originally intended to be a large passenger liner intent on exploring the galaxy and used for tourism throughout various systems. However, when Mon Calamari joined the war effort on the Rebel Alliance's side, their shipyards became less for tourism and more for battle. The MC80a was the first conversion of the large capital ships to be used for active military duty. Installed were 45 turbolaser batteries, 20 ion cannons and 6 tractor beams. The MC80 already came with a highly advanced sensor package, able to scout out almost an entire system. It also boasts a reinforced hull and improved shielding. The capital ship also has a docking bay and hangar bays to support fighters, freighters and ground vehicles.


This ship is affiliated to the New Republic.


The estimated price of the raw materals required to build this ship is 9,963,161.

Materals Amount
Quantum 2,301
Meleenium 24,151
Ardanium 2,886
Rudic 1,830
Rockivory 45
Tibannagas 841
Varmigio 5,889
Lommite 2,057
Durelium 1,963


Weapon Amount
Turbolasers 45
Tractor Beams 6
Ion Batteries 20


Navigation Stats - Cargo Stats - Hull Stats
Hyperspeed 1 Weight 4,800,000 T Length 1,200 m
Sublight Speed 20 MGLT Volume 100,500,000 m³ Hull 8,000
Max Speed 200 km/h Weight Cap 20,000 T Deflector Shields 6,000
Maneuverability 2.00 Volume Cap 310,000 m³ Ionic Capacity 3,750
Sensors 21 Max Passangers 2,850 ECM 0
Crew Requirement 900

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