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{{Infobox Character
| name = Cassidy Violet Andromeda
| image = [[File:Eye Purple.png]]
| homeworld =
| race = 'Modified' Anzati
| clan =
| house =
| mother = Unknown
| father = Unknown
| marital status = Married
| spouse = [[Sarai Andromeda Morbus]]
| partner =
| siblings = One sister
| children = Two children. Twins, Alec and Alecia Andromeda
| born =
| died =
| languages = Many
| religion =
| quote =
| gender = Female
| coloring = Pale
| hair color = Black
| eye color = Violet
| affiliation = [[Andromeda House]] <br>
| title =
| rank =
| positions =
| prior affiliation =
| awards =
| signature =

| class="infobox bordered" border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 style="border-collapse: collapse;" bordercolor=#111111 align=right width=300px>
| colspan="2" align="center"|[[image:File:Eye Purple.png| Vi]]
| style=background:#6e92bd; align=center colspan=2 |<center><font color="#173161">'''Personal Information'''</font></center>
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Name</u>:
| style=background:#173161; | Cassidy Violet Andromeda
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Born</u>:
| style=background:#173161; |
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Home World</u>:
| style=background:#173161; |
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Species</u>:
| style=background:#173161; | "Modified" Anzati
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Marital Status</u>:
| style=background:#173161; | Married
| style=background:#6e92bd; align=center colspan=2 |<center><font color="173161">'''Physical Description'''</font></center>
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Height</u>:
| style=background:#173161; |
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Weight</u>:
| style=background:#173161; |
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Gender</u>:
| style=background:#173161; | Female
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Hair</u>:
| style=background:#173161; | Black (Naturally red)
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Eyes</u>:
| style=background:#173161; | Violet
| style=background:#6e92bd; align=center colspan=2 |<center><font color="173161">'''Family'''</font></center>
| style=background:#173161; colspan=2 |'''Parents'''
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Father</u>: n/a
| style=background:#173161; |
| style=background:#173161; | <u>Mother</u>: n/a
| style=background:#173161; |
| style=background:#173161; |<u>'Siblings</u>
| style=background:#173161; |
* Liam Turner - Brother
| style=background:#173161; |<u>Children</u>
| style=background:#173161; |
* Elisha Turner {From Deana Branson)
| style=background:#173161; |<u>'Marriage</u>
| style=background:#173161; |
* Deana Branson-von Ismay [Divorced]
| style=background:#6e92bd; align=center colspan=2 |<center><font color="173161">'''Affiliations'''</font></center>
| style=background:#173161; colspan=2 |
* Order of BlackSword Command

Revision as of 17:23, 26 December 2018

| class="infobox bordered" border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 style="border-collapse: collapse;" bordercolor=#111111 align=right width=300px> | colspan="2" align="center"|Vi |-

| style=background:#6e92bd; align=center colspan=2 |

Personal Information

|- | style=background:#173161; | Name: | style=background:#173161; | Cassidy Violet Andromeda |- | style=background:#173161; | Born: | style=background:#173161; | |- | style=background:#173161; | Home World: | style=background:#173161; | |- | style=background:#173161; | Species: | style=background:#173161; | "Modified" Anzati |- | style=background:#173161; | Marital Status: | style=background:#173161; | Married |-

| style=background:#6e92bd; align=center colspan=2 |

Physical Description

|- | style=background:#173161; | Height: | style=background:#173161; | |- | style=background:#173161; | Weight: | style=background:#173161; | |- | style=background:#173161; | Gender: | style=background:#173161; | Female |- | style=background:#173161; | Hair: | style=background:#173161; | Black (Naturally red) |- | style=background:#173161; | Eyes: | style=background:#173161; | Violet |-

| style=background:#6e92bd; align=center colspan=2 |


|- | style=background:#173161; colspan=2 |Parents |- | style=background:#173161; | Father: n/a | style=background:#173161; | |- | style=background:#173161; | Mother: n/a | style=background:#173161; | |- | style=background:#173161; |'Siblings | style=background:#173161; |

  • Liam Turner - Brother

|- | style=background:#173161; |Children | style=background:#173161; |

  • Elisha Turner {From Deana Branson)

|- | style=background:#173161; |'Marriage | style=background:#173161; |

  • Deana Branson-von Ismay [Divorced]


| style=background:#6e92bd; align=center colspan=2 |


|- | style=background:#173161; colspan=2 |

  • Order of BlackSword Command
