Wezzy Sunny
Wezzy Sunny was born in a small city on the Iktotchi moon; however his mother Airi died giving birth to Wezzy as he came into the universe. On the bright side, he had his grandmother for a mother figure during most of his childhood. His father Tuukka wasn’t home for most of his son’s childhood; mainly due to his job… He could barely keep food on the table for Wezzy to live. He worked for a company that makes and sells weapons; Wezzy’s father was the one who delivers them to whoever bought the weapons; but it didn't pay well... As the years went on things went alright till Wezzy learned how to use his fist… not only for fighting; but also for stealing. Wezzy was a trouble maker; he started to get into more fights and started stealing more stuff when he was about the age of five.
When he was about nine, he was asleep and his grandmother came in to wake him in a hurry to wake him up because someone broke into their house… Just when she got him up and told him to run; she got shot in the back by a man covered in a black robe… she fell to the ground and didn’t move. The man came over to Wezzy and then he put the barrel of the gun into Wezzy’s mouth… but just then the six year old Iktotchi punched the man in the face and he fell to the ground along with the gun. Wezzy ran out into the hallway into the living room and out the door and just ran into the desert night. Wezzy walked that desert of the Iktotchi moon for hours and then stopped to sit and take a break from all the running he did... He started to think what happen back at his home; and knowing that his grandmother was dead; but he got up and started to walk more. After hours of walking the desert night Wezzy blacked out and fell toward the sand.
When he woke up, he found himself in a bed inside somebody’s house… He went into the living room shocked to find his Uncle Leo sitting there. It turns out Leo heard that the city that Wezzy and his grandmother lived in got burned to the ground that night; and he got in his ship and went over there to make sure they were still alive. As Leo was flying to his brother’s house he seen someone laying in the desert and seen it was Wezzy… He landed his ship and took him back to his house. After this point in Wezzy’s life; he lived with his uncle since his grandmother died and his home got burned to the ground. But Wezzy's father got news from his brother of what happen; but he wouldn't be able to come and see his son for another two years.
From the age ten to twelve, Wezzy tried to keep his hands clean from stealing and tried to stay out of fights… But it wasn’t easy for him at all. When he was about seven he tried to turn to something other than stealing and fighting… so he started to get into learning about ships and how they worked. He asked his uncle if he could help teach him how to fly a ship; so then his uncle showed him how to work all the buttons and how each ship is different. At the age of ten he was flying ships like he’s been doing it for years… and this was helping him stay out of crime.
When he was about fourteen, he got news of his father’s death; it turns out his father wasn’t a delivery boy… But he did work for a company… just not any company but a group of thugs. It turns out they were in a war with other thugs for a planet. But the ship he was flying got shot down and fell straight into a crater of lava and burned him alive… Wezzy started to get back into crime when he found out his father was a thug; he went back to stealing and started to get into fights again.
When he turned about sixteen, he was doing high top crimes… He worked with people you wouldn’t want to work with; he stole ships, weapons, anything you could think of. However, Wezzy’s Uncle Leo got shot by a slave trader and he died… this made Wezzy insanely mad. Wezzy found out who the slave trader was and hunted him down; that slave trader was never seen again. Now everyone in his family had died… He then started to call himself Sunny to honor them.
When Sunny just turned eighteen, he was working with some other Iktotchi thugs that went to hunt down a slave trader that was an Iktotchi male named Salmunic; who was very rich... As they made their way into the iktotchi’s house they found themselves surrounded by tons of local iktotchi police… The thugs got out their blasters and started a huge gun fight; every thug besides Sunny got shot down and died; Sunny however did get shot in his upper right leg and fell to the ground when he tried to run away. The iktotchi police went over to Sunny cuffed him up and took him in for tempt of murder of a slave trader and shooting back at the iktotchi police… Sunny was sentenced to fourteen years in prison.
Sunny was in prison from when he was eighteen to twenty-nine. He got out of prison at around the age at of thirty do to his behavior in prison; getting into fights all them fights go another year added onto his prison time. When he did get out however, he had to think of some why to live… and he did what he does best… steal.
Few months later, he got up to 100k credits… from stealing stuff and selling it to people. He bought himself a knife; he know soon or later he'll need to use it. But he knew he couldn’t stay on the Iktotchi Moon forever; there wasn't enough money for him to make here. Plus the iktotchi police where still onto him... So he got a hold of one of his long time partner in crime Asaaj Skywalk; and Asaaj came and picked up Sunny in the city he was hiding in and they took off.
As he was flying with Asaaj, Sunny knew Asaaj was in a group of some kind of pirates… Sunny knew he couldn’t live on his own, plus he was good at flying ships thanks to his Uncle Leo and he was a good thief because of the way he lived… So he asked Asaaj about the group of pirates and a few days later Sunny joined them… The group of pirates is known; But to this day Sunny is still stealing and getting into fights… Just like his father did.
--Wezzy Sunny 00:20, 16 July 2011 (GMT)