Wezzy Sunny
Born into a Life of Crime
On one windy night, a female Iktotchi named Airi gave birth to an Iktotchi baby know by the name of Wezzy Sunny. The night the baby Iktotchi was born; his mother passed away due to giving birth. The baby's father Tuukka however, was big into the "crime life"... He was in a group of bandits called the Lost. Although, Tuukka did try his best to raise Wezzy, although Wezzy was raised on nothing but the crime. Wezzy started to learn how to steal and fight at the age of four; at the age of five and six he learned how to fly ships and shoot firearms. By the time Wezzy was the age of ten, he was super experienced in flying speeders, ships, and shooting firearms.
A few years later, Wezzy at the age of 14; was already a high ranking member in the Lost. There was only one person in his way of being the leader; his father... As the group of bandits where raiding a small town, Wezzy went to the little house where his father was raiding; went inside and chopped both of his fathers legs off and then burnt the house along with the whole city to the ground. This, making him the leader of the Lost.
Wezzy now the leader of the Lost, the group of bandits did better then they ever did. Making tons of money by looting, raiding, and taking over any cities they came across. A few years have went by, The lost still lead by Wezzy and still raiding more and more cities,but soon or later a rival group of bandits came along. It is still unknown what they called themselves but the leader's name of the group was Zorn Tuk. This bandit rivalry went on for two long bloody years... The Lost was coming to an end, as Zorn Tuk's group of bandits where very powerful and wicked. They brutally murdered most of the Lost. Wezzy then deiced to get on his speeder and escape before he himself gets killed; but as he leaves he will not forget Zorn Tuk...
The Bleeding Hearts
Wezzy now the age of 17, joined a swoop gang known as the "Lost souls." Within his time with the gang, he meet a friend named Asaaj Starwalk; the two becoming partners. As time went by though, his ranks in the swoop gang started to rise. The gang doing raids and raids on cities, a life Wezzy is use to but also a life he loves. Wezzy's cash started to get bigger and bigger, although all he had was two pistols that hang from his belt and his speeder. Wezzy decided to leave the Lost Souls, the reasons are unknown. He traveled on his speeder for quite some time...
Wezzy traveled in solitary for almost a year... During his travels he stopped in a gentlemen club and ordered a few drinks. The club having only three girls, one of them a human girl with brunette hair and brown eyes. She gave Wezzy a dance, a dance that just nobody gets in that lonely club. The club manger came in and knocked the girl to the floor and told her no free rides for the bandits. The girl then got put and pulled one of the pistols out of Wezzy's belt and put it into the guy's back. Wezzy and the girl tied the guy up and took all his money and left... Wezzy now traveling with the young cutey, they fell in love; this to the history of Wezzy's life is his only love he had.
A month pasted and they both still traveling together, however turns out Zorn was following Wezzy... Wezzy and the girl raided a city and stayed in one of the houses for about a week. Later that night, Zorn decided to attack. He had about ten other bandits with him; they came rushing down a hill on their speeders. Started crushing the house with endless amounts of gunfire... After several rounds where shot into the house, Wezzy was on the floor in horror pain... He looked up at the bed, seeing the only person he ever loved dead. Wezzy did mange to escape from Zorn, but he had nothing now... Zorn took his speeder and pistols, Zorn took everything from him...
Wezzy still 17, ended up finding his long lost friend Asaaj Starwalk. Turns out Asaaj, left Lost Souls as well and started his own gang named "The Bleeding Hearts." Wezzy joined them, never speaking of what happen with in the last year. The group they successfully raided more and more targets. Comandeering starships the group was no longer a small time swoop gang, they became one of the largest crime syndicates on Tatooine. Wezzy ranked fast within this gang, not only due to Asaaj being his only friend but Wezzy was one of the best criminals that ever walked.