Viperia Narmle

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Viperia Narmle
Biographical Information
Race Naboo
Homeworld Naboo
Mother Takara Narmle (Missing)
Father None
Spouse Riki Narmle (Missing)
Siblings None
Children None
Born Year -8
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 5,8
Eye Color Hazel
Political Information
Affiliation Tresario Star Kingdom

"Those who fail to learn will repeat their mistakes"
— Tekara

In The Beginning

In the year -20 a young Twilek by the name of Tekara Narmle was venturing through the abandoned corridor of Theed. Green skinned and with a tan robe she was on a mission. For passed the salvagers on her path and those forgotten in stricken poverty. There was the great ruins the library of Narmle. A link to her passed and present it was here her adopted Nabooian farther had taught her long ago before the emptying of the district.

But on this day her mission by fate was personal but at the same time very important. For employed as an Archivist she was to find the lost scrolls of the history of Theed. When she arrived behold before her huge arches bowed to her at the side entrance. Upon their high and connecting to their spires. They reach high into the sky. Everywhere she looked there were holes and loose rumble. For these ruins even though standing still broke and moved in a wind that howled.

Abandoned Corridor

As she entered and followed the arch ways into the center hall. She looked upon the rows of holorecords she passed by. With her robe flowing with the gusts that came into the broken structure. She happened to glance through the front gates of the lobby where strangely at the destroyed steps leading up on high. There was a white figure robed much as herself but in the royal fashion. In her eyes Tekera saw the robed one slowly kneel down. Curious she focused even more and seeing its hands reach the ground. What seemed like a blue wrapped package was place in the rumble.

Curious and seeing it as strange Tekera decided to be brave. Yelling, "Hey You!" It echoed through and out of the library the white figure startled ran down the stairs. Giving chase Tekera sprinted as fast as she could hoping to catch a better glimpse. But when she reached the stairs the image of the blue wrap caught her curiosity. Before her feet where she stopped she looked down and she saw.

A young little one asleep and silent a rest. Her eyes widened realizing what had just happened, abandonment.... With the parent long gone Tekara reached down and picked up the child holding him cuddled into her arms. Human and defiantly a nabooian the child slept away in a deep dream.

Tekera taken in her breath whispered. "I saw with my own eyes what happened and I promise it will not be so. For now on you will be mine as my farther had adopted me I would so adopt you."

Ruined Library of Narmle

Seeing how he didn't have a bracelet his identity defiantly was yet to be forged. Whispering once again said "Child you are a wonder today the force certainly dropped you on the door of my childhood. I guess it falls to me to name you."

Going in deep and thinking seriously on it she remembered the rarest name of them all one never used sense the ancient times of naboo. "From this day forward." she said "You are to be known as Viperia!"

Smiling and happy she tied the child to her robe and chest so she could walk with her hands free. Skipping out on her mission and deciding her new job was better then the days she began to make her way towards home. Unsure of what the future would bring she didn't worry. She continued on never regretting a choice not even one so suddenly and so huge as this. She knew now this little one had a journey to travel and a life to live. May the force be with him always.

The Villa in the Lake Country

Becoming the child's adopted mother Tekara took Viperia to the safety of her own home. Located in the lake country of Naboo. It was a villa on the bank of a low mountain. With its steps leading to the water itself and many rooms it was spacious. So large in fact that within Tekera owned the largest private book collection known on the whole planet in a room called the Hall of Knowledge. Through his days from a baby to a small child Viperia grew in comfort. From the Nursery of his room. To him running around the house and overall being a handful. Tekera found much love for this little boy she so saved that day. But has the years passed so did he. Eventually a time would come for no longer was he the innocent one born into the world.

Tekera's Villa

Eventually the day came when Viperia would turn five. Watching her boy play in the lake by her home. Tekera held a book within her hand she called out to her son. "Birthday boy I got a present for you!"

Going in and out of the water in circles as if he was chasing something Viperia stopped in his wake. Excited by what his mother might just have for him he raced to the steps where his mother was waiting. When he got to the steps he couldn't climb over the first one Tekera reached down with her green hand and pulled him up into a towel she had waiting for him.

Brushing him off fast and with all her might she said. "Boy how long you been in there you look liked your soaked to the bone." Looking up at her he smiled and said "I was in there 3 hours this time I told you I would I really did and could be in there longer." Bringing up his hands to her he continued, "See I even got sponged hands"

Done drying him off hand she put her hands on her hips looking down at him. "My aren’t you the record winner" She said patting her feet on the stone step. Taking him by his hand she led him up the stairs. Smiling she added "Time for your present now come along."

Waltzing into the house she brought him straight into the Hall of knowledge. Placing her child on the couch underneath the high domed ceiling. She handed him the book that was in her hands. Viperia looked down onto it with interested and asked "What is it?"

Tekera with her hands behind her back leaned forward still smiling and whispered. "Happy birthday lovely!" Bring her hands down she picked him up and hugged him really close. But as soon as she put him back down he opened the book with haste. Marveling over the many pictures he skimmed through it with pride.

Summer Of Love


When Viperia became upon the age of a man. He had progressed far sense his days growing up. During this time he was told of his past and what had happened to him. Knowing no other family then the people he had been with he accepted what happened. With his finished education he took the time one summer with Tekara's caution to go over to ocean that ran through the center of the equator of Thosa. Having always wanted to visit sense he was a child he set out on an early morning day and was able to reach there by dawn.

Viperia And Riki

Far away from his village and camping by the shore Viperia admired the nature and body of water he had never seen before. However on one of these days of camping a curious movement in the water had caught his eye. Calling it to instantly upon seeing it no longer was the movement there. Thinking nothing of it he continued about his vacation. However the next day proved such the same event. Again he did as before and the same thing happened. So a week goes by and over and over the event proves true.

Having enough of it Viperia woke up one early morning and waited for the disturbance. But when it did he dove straight into the water right after and low before him was an alien native to her world. Smiling with a grace she showed a very warm and curious nature. Viperia stumbled by such a discovery didn't know what to do. However he eventually lightened up and over the days that came they formed a friendship.

Some mornings she would bring him fish to eat she had caught herself. While late into the nights when he was sleeping by the fire she would watch him with a curiosity that never ended. Deciding to call her Riki he stayed for the rest of the summer and has he did they become closer. Till finally one of the rarest things had happened. Both of these being sentients born of other worlds fell in a deep love that could never be broken.

Change In Tides

Thosa Bombardment

Happily living together in a house next to his adopted mothers. Riki and Viperia grew together in a love spoken of throughout the whole village. Having been 2 years sense meeting her Viperia was twenty years old. While he never wanted to be force sensitive his mother constantly encouraged for him to find out. But each and every time he declined happy with his current life he had. Having been two years sense his class was last together during the spring a reunion of sorts played out amongst them. Riki decided she was comfortable and it wouldn't be her place to come even with Viperia's encouragement.

Viperia's Breakdown

Coming together like they did in old times the class got together in the hills not so far outside of their village. Going over old lessons they did together and enjoying their time with Viperia they were glad. But sadly upon them a massive shadow conquered the valley they called home. Looking up Viperia's eyes widened at the site of a familiar shape for in his books this was known to be the dreaded imperial war machine. A massive V shaped starship was the source of this shadow in their eyes and beside it small dots accompanied it.

Without a second in reaction lights upon the bottoms of the ships lit and down came with large wizzes lasers hitting the ground hard and all around. Screams could be heard across the valley and amongst themselves taking cover where they could. Viperia and his classmates were shaken to the core.

But then a large explosion was heard and with a flash they were blinded. Not be able to see and his ears ringing Viperia's heart dropped to a low he had never had felt before. For once he gained his eye sight in front him. Laid a crater where his village once was. Breaking down unto his fellow classmate he never was the same again.

A Never Ending Depression

With a broken heart and fearing the worst for days Viperia dug through the rubble of his home and his mothers. But he never found their bodies even after completely clearing both plots of land. With the imperial fleet long gone Jedi investigators claimed it to be another unprovoked attack upon innocents. Later on Tekara and Riki were classified as missing for their was no evidence to support they died.

As time marched by Viperia's perplexion changed. Depressed always where ever he went and not being able to get over what had happened. His thoughts weighed heavy upon him. With everyone else moving on away on and from Thosa. He decided to as well. Hoping maybe amongst the stars he could find closure to a case never closed.

Depressed Viperia