Chiss Ideology
The Chiss have a very complex social structure. Adding more to a complex situtation is the fact that their political views have a very complex rubric. Since the loss of the Chiss homeworld and it its empire, politics have once again changed. To date there are two main political points of view. These will be discussed here.
Progreesive Viewpoint
"…Our experience, taught us that insularity could be a weakness as well as a strength. It's not enough to be strong; a truly successful culture needs to be flexible as well. And in order to be flexible, we must look beyond what we consider familiar; we must come to know our neighbors as well as we know ourselves." - a chiss commander, before the fall of the Chiss Empire
It is a subject that is likely to cause continued debate for sometime. What is the Progressive Point of view? Briefly it should be understood as an umbrella term. It is the point of view that while generally, historically, the Chiss people were largely removed from other cultures it is often ignored that Chiss culture is a long one that had to adapt to a hostile climate. Chiss had to work together, do, or do not and die. Thankfully What would become Chiss endured and did not die. The Chiss went on, like many other races, because it was able to adapt and overcome that what would threaten it's own survival. It created great houses and fantastic social networks . A noble feet to be sure.
The Progressive Point of view is pragmatic and part of its charm is the claim that is asserts it is far more pragmatic that Chiss Traditionalism.
It endeavours to reflect many Chiss values but it must do so in a current social, economic sphere while learning from the mistakes of the past. It claims unlike many strains of Chiss traditionalism is far more practical because it understands well that that Chiss communities are no longer isolated, or removed from general galactic doings.
How much in line are traditional Chiss communities with chiss traditionalism? Is a key Question. For Progressivism the answer is far more subtle because it claims that a true Traditional reply never be realised in the current galactic state which communities are found. The implication therefore is Chiss Traditionalism reduces to Constructivism at best and to be effective it leads to a watered down case of Progressivism.
Equally Important the progressive Chiss fully grasps the need to work with non-chiss in mutual benefit with respect. Chiss or Non-Chiss alike. Further, the progressive Chiss is far more accepting of Non-chiss joining it's ranks even in positions of leadership. Why? not anyone will do, but trusted, loyal and respectful person or persons. But is less likely to run the risk of falling foul to racism. The Progressive Chiss like its Traditional Cousin claim respect for loyalty, duty and honer but differ in that times have moved on.
A “pure” functional Chiss Community is becoming an increasing rarity, the galaxy is becoming smaller.
This then is the progressive way of thinking. That Non-chiss can be brothers and to be a brother is to be Chiss, a progressive Chiss. Contrary to poor propaganda it to as seeds in Chiss soceity those it as not always been the most popular. A progressive chiss is Progressive because he or she still believes to have the power to adapt.
Many Chiss that follow the progressive chiss way, make the case. That amoung the reasons for the fall, a reduction to letting outsiders into chiss soceity and leadership is a fallacy. In fact what added to the fall, was a failure to understand non-chiss and chiss alike. Hence the case of insularity as weakness and strenght.
Present-Day Progressivism Many Chiss that follow the progressive chiss way, make the case. That amoung the reasons for the fall, a reduction to letting outsiders into chiss soceity and leadership is a fallacy. In fact what added to the fall, was a failure to understand non-chiss and chiss alike. Hence the case of insularity as weakness and strenght. Currently progressivism has become the dominant ideology of the Chiss race. The current Chiss Ascendancy follows this line of thinking and the ideology is well represented in the Chiss Parliament. The largest political party to support the progressive ideology is the Chiss Progressive Union under the leadership of Chairman Elas Sacara and Senator Nyll Nitram. There is however other parties that follow the progressive teachings such as the Chiss Confederate Party.