Relby K-23

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Relby K-23
Class Projectile
Designer BlasTech Industries
Type Energy
Effective Range 0 - 5
Zeroed 2
Rate of Fire 4
Weight 1.6 kg
Capacity 100

The Relby K-23 is a sleek and stylish blaster pistol designed to appeal to a wide variety of sentients. The pistol features a satin-finish, machined chrome body with grooves cut into it to both increase its aesthetic value and save on weight. The pistol grip features a decorative black wood panel, although this can be swapped for ivory, gold, or any other material based on the user’s preference. The scalloped grip can also be tailored for different users based on the number of fingers they possess. The trigger guard flows smoothly into the pistol’s body, which features a thumb stud to release the beehive-shaped cap at the rear of the body which protects the blaster gas cartridge and power cell.

The pistol’s barrel is elegant and slim, featuring a stepped compensator at the muzzle and a simple front sight blade with a white bead. The rear of the weapon features a U-notch also fitted with white dots. The sights can be upgraded to include luminous beads for easy acquisition in dim or low-light conditions. The weapon also features a crisp, two-stage trigger which is among the top of its class, straight out of the box.

While the external features of the weapon were designed to be attractive, the true value of the Relby K-23 can be found internally. Due to the need to keep the weapon's profile slim, the designers innovated the XCiter and actuating blaster module, making them more compact than many comparable weapons while maintaining the ability to produce high-powered blaster bolts. As such, the pistol is in great demand by those who require a hard-hitting weapon in a slim package as well as some security forces, such as the Bespin Winged Guard, where appearance is just as important as performance.