Patrick Bisson

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Revision as of 02:13, 15 March 2017 by Patrick Bisson (talk | contribs)
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Patrick Bisson
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Hapes
Mother Unkown
Father Raised by unknown Imperial officer
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children None
Born Exact date unknown estimated to be year -7
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 5'10"
Coloring Caucasian
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation Galactic Empire
Title None
Rank Lieutenant Junior grade
Positions Imperial Navy
Prior Affiliation None
Awards [LOCX2][ISM-1][IABG]

Patrick Bisson is currently in the Imperial Navy.

-Year 11 Day 55 (January 24, 2010) - Joined the Imperial Navy

-Year 11 Day 55 - Recruit

-Year 11 Day 60 - Crewman

-Year 11 Day 150 (April 29th, 2010)- Leave of absence

-Year 12 Day 193 (June 7th, 2011) - Returned to duty (Imperial Navy)

-Year 12 Day 193 - Flight Corporal (Crewman rank defunct after Voodo's resignation)

-Year 12 273 (August 30th, 2011) - Flight Sergeant

-Year 12 Day 329 (September 26th, 2011) - Master flight sergeant

-Year 13, Day 90 - Leave of absense

- (March 13th, 2013) - Returned to duty

- (March 13th, 2013) - Lieutenant Junior Grade

- (July 20th, 2014) - Leave of absence

- (January 18th, 2017) - Returned to duty