Second Declaration of the Revolution

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Second declaration of the revolution Words from the Breviin revolutionary armed forces for Liberation Year 15 Day 1 “Today we say: We will not surrender! Not only those carrying swords dripping with blood and fire shooting rays of military glory, are the chosen to decide the faith of the galaxy.'

That right belongs to the people, the poor, and the oppressed, of who are identified with the ideals of the revolution and that have fought despotism that auger their lives. Because not only by firing missiles in the battlefield tyrannies are swept, also by throwing ideas of redemption, freedom phrases and terrible anathemas against the torturers of the people. Dictatorships and empires crumble.” Peter Max addressing the Breviin revolutionary armed forces for Liberation on Year 15 Day 1 To the peoples and governments of the Galaxy: The Breviin revolutionary armed forces for Liberation, at war against evil Imperialism since Year 13 are directed to you to present our thinking:

Brothers: Since beginning of year 13 Clan Breviin has been fighting oppression and injustice, ever since our peace has been denied, ever since our freedom was denied, we have taken up arms and fought tirelessly, ever since operation retribution when we assisted the Galactic Alliance forces on destroying the mercenary forces of the First Sun, when we proved that not even the Dark Star Hellions aiding the First sun were able to stop the revolution, ever since we fought the Galactic Empire at Derra and we defeated Seele´s royal guard and forced them to retreat, Roruk Drei and Breviin warriors defeated several sith lords , “Blade Master” Luther Nightwish kicked the emperor´s ass so badly that he retreated crying like a girl, Xer`da Arman`de whipped out all of the enemy droids, Elvette Rainmark risked her life fighting the enemy, Morth Castrul the fastest pilot in the Clan´s recent History posed the glorious “Sennar” above our enemies and jumped out of the ship with reinforcements, even when our brother Luther Nightwish was cowardly assassinated by the Dark Star Hellions; not even then we retreated, we have always been defiant.

We have fought together with our allies, the Krath Dynasty and Clan Ar'klim, together as brothers we were able to capture several spies, criminals, and traitors out of whom some were Dark Star Hellions, some others were just opportunists.

We were at Tolonda helping our allies of the Infinite Empire.

We even faced the treat of Diabolus`ut Persolvo and Murishani unubunko when by defamation and lies attempted to arrest any of us by offering fake force testing and requesting us of giving him access to arresting on our stations, right after saying that we were the enemy. And more recently Kongo Orikan under the orders of mysterious forces that wish to keep the Mandalorian Clans at war betrayed us, falsified information to manipulate us into going to war. Now Kongo has been arrested by Kathlen Stewart of Clan Gav, and the criminal has been handed over to The Breviin Crusaders to face Justice. Peace and friendship with clan Gav has never been more solid, and an oath of a new beginning in our relations has been sworn. Those facts are just a small proof and a small show of our determination and our commitment with the peoples that are oppressed by the Imperial union and by the criminal cartels and gangs who terrorize the defenseless. That is why we make this second declaration of the “Breviin Revolution”:

First: Breviin reaffirms its alliance with the Krath Dynsasty and Clan Arklim, we fight together, and we die together. We commit to defend and protect the Krath Dynasty, all of its affiliated factions and any Krath Dynasty citizen. At the same time we are bound to the Krath Dynasty´s Diplomacy and pacts with other governments. We retain the right to defend ourselves and to maintain our own diplomatic relations with other groups as long as it does not conflicts with the Krath Dyanasty´s own relations. Second: We reaffirm that we will not and will never give up arms, we may stop using them one day, but we will never give them up.

Third: the creation of battle fronts spread across the galaxy, such fronts will protect the poor and the oppressed, actively fight Imperialism, Crime, and anyone that oppress and endangers the Breviin revolution. Fourth: We demand for the galactic emperor to step down and for the Imperial Union to be dissolved, for all the hostilities towards the Galactic Alliance to stop, and to promote equality for all the worlds and races, for the Imperial Union to lift all the economic embargoes that they have on the free people, for the Empire to stop producing weapons of mass destruction such as their Super Star Destroyers, We also demand the release of all the political prisoners that are held in the Imperial Union´s prisons. We demand a public apology to all of those the Imperial union has oppressed and the surrendering of all high ranking officials to be held responsible and stand trial for genocide and war crimes.

Fifth: we respond in advance to any demands that the Imperial Union or Criminal cartels may have on the Breviin Revolution with the following statement: GO TO HELL!

Sixth: we make clear that the Breviin revolution does not impose nor plans to impose any type of culture or ideology on anyone, we only support and foment an ideal. The Ideal of freedom, true freedom…

Seventh: We would like to congratulate Aliit Buir Grevendar Togl for being a true revolutionary and a role model in the fight for freedom; his actions are one of the many things that inspired this revolution. We would also like to congratulate Lazarus Kell for his efforts on peace and support for Clan Breviin. At the same time we would congratulate Kathlen Stewart for her commitment in the peace and union of all the Mandalorian clans. We would congratulate everyone in Clan Ar'klim and the Krath Dynasty for their courage shown against the Imperial Union and Criminal organizations.

And most important we congratulate every single being that has been oppressed, trampled, and pursued and that has resisted, they are the main inspiration of the Breviin revolution. Eight: we would announce our commitment in the efforts of peace and union among the Mandalorian Clans, we are all brothers who should be united and we would like to encourage all clans to open communication channels for mutual cooperation, and to resolve their differences. We are the oldest fear lurking in every corner of the empire and we are delighted, delighted!

Dignity does not give up!

Dignity resists!




