Telegron Rothani Shipworks

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Revision as of 17:24, 18 June 2011 by Koevanuda (talk | contribs)
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There was little that I had none,about my parents as I was growing up on the planet of ?. Do to there silence,when I would ask about there life's,the things they would do and the pleases they had seen,when they were young. They would as parents,say so little to me about those things that they had seen and done in there life's before I was born. Bout,as being so as I grow they would lite me in on a little more,over span of time as I metered into a young man. One time inarticulacy as I spent most of my time with my mother. We were talking about some of the changes that we were seeing going on, in the news.On one of the outer realm planets. She had slipped up a little and started talking. She had started it out as only being a story,but by the look on here eyes. I could tell that there was more,to it then just being a story. --kevin mckinney 17:23, 18 June 2011 (GMT)

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There is more will put were it can help thank you for your time. I was at school at the age of 6, those year growing up I

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