Kimril Kiil
Work In Progress
Kimril Kiil
The house Kimril Kiil has been founded on year 24 day 273 by its two founding members Arizi Tez Faorusdo (Kimril'tez'radhan) and Boadil Ok Isan (Kimril'ok'kiil) as a movement of Chiss knowledge.
The meaning of "Kim'ril Ki'il" can be literally translated to Basic as "knowledge seekers"
House structure
All members of the house bear one of the two primary titles: Kiil (seeker) Radhan (keeper). This title then represents individuals role in the house. While seekers are more commonly known to venture of the ascendancy, into friendly and enemy territory to collect lost knowledge, the Keeper is known to stay under most circumstances stay inside the Ascendancy territory, and serve as a medium for other Chiss/houses to access the Kimril Kiil knowledge base.
To keep balance between these two roles, there are rules in place that forbid both the Patriarch and senior aid (second in command) to be the same role, meaning if the Patriarch is part of the Seekers, his senior aid has to be of the Keepers and vice versa.
Boadil Ok Isan - (patriarch)
Arizi Tez Faorusdo - (senior aid)