Ric`zix Xichiz

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Ric`zix Xichiz
Biographical Information
Race Yam'rii
Homeworld Huk
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse None
Siblings Many
Children None
Born Huk wilderness, Year -18, Day 225
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 2.5 meters
Coloring Mottled green
Eye Color Grey
Political Information
Affiliation Unknown
Rank None
Positions None
Prior Affiliation None
Awards None

Yikizzi Tribe

The Yikizzi Tribe were a nomadic group of Yam`rii who, despite the changing technological use of their fellow Yam`rii, retained the ancient traditions of their ancestors. The tribal structure was based on a eusocial hierarchy, with every member contributing to specific areas.

The allocation of labor was based upon the color of the Yam`rii. The Gix`zix (Gray Ones) maintained the history of the tribe, made decisions for the tribe, and preformed the Tchidiz Ritual. The Chiz`zix (Brown Ones) gathered building materials and constructed dwellings and traps. The Ric`zix (Green Ones) were the tribal hunters, supplying the tribe with food. On extremely rare occasions, a yellow Yam`rii would survive the Tchidiz ritual. The emergence of a Dheezich (Eye of Anger) was a dire portent for the tribe, typically meaning war was on the horizon. The Dheezich were rumored to have magical powers, and be able to see into the future.

Tribal Customs

The Yikizzi did not believe in wasting resources. They used every part of their kills, and never took more than was needed. While this limited the types of creatures that they hunted, it also helped to keep the location of the tribe secret. Leaving behind waste would have allowed trackers to catch the tribe easier. When a member would die, the tribe would gather to eat the remains and bury any portion that was inedible.

Yikizzi custom also affected the names of the members themselves, with the first name being the name of the caste they belonged to. A secondary name was chosen after the Tchidiz Ritual, which was used to direct communication toward a specific member. The reasoning behind this was to help suppress individualism, so that the member continued to place the tribal needs before personal ones.

Tchidiz Ritual

Yikizzi were allowed to procreate twice a year, and any violations were met with death. A week after the last eggs were laid, all eggs were brought to the Gix`zix and placed into separate sections, based on color of the "parent". The Gix`zix then chose the eggs to be hatched, with the rest being consumed by the remainder of the tribe. The number of eggs chosen was directly proportionate to the number of caste members lost prior to the last ritual. How each egg was selected is unknown, and it may have been random entirely. After the eggs were chosen, they were returned to their caste to be hatched and taught their future roles.

The ritual helped to remove any semblance of immediate family, as the true parents of each egg were unknown. This helped solidify tribal cohesion and kept the numbers to a manageable level.