Viperia Narmle

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Viperia Narmle
Biographical Information
Race Naboo
Homeworld Naboo
Born Year -20
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 5,8
Eye Color Hazel
Political Information
Affiliation Tresario Star Kingdom

"Tyranny Shall Fall To Liberty"
— Viperia


Along time long before the corperate ruling days of Naboo. Far deep within the interior of the plains was the mountain steps of Narmle. Within these valleys and rivers flowing in and out of its canyons and cliffs. Was a small farm beloging to the family of named after such the same mountains. Now this family lived in traditional ways for centuarys. Roaming the mountains for generations and never becoming bigger then but a few. Truely it was one of the longest and oldest familys to have ever existed on the surface of this peaceful world.

Now during the year -20 on this very far so mentioned in this place. A young boy was born within the middle of the night. Expected and waited for awhile he was born healthy and without a problem for alarm. However soon an emergency did come over. With the family gathered around they were puzzled with the boy in the mother's hands even she could not make up her mind. Confused as they were all they forgotten one very important thing that most have always taken care of first the name.

For a long while many generations of the Narmle were men who had grown old and died. But so many they were they had ran out of names right to the birth of this young one. Not knowing what to do about it they in the middle of the night. Were stumbled by this predicament. Eventually they deicided they would go back to centuarys of old and to bring out a name never used in thousands of years. So with a solved problem they had named the boy Viperia.


Royal Academy

When the boy become a man. He left the farm for the city of theed he had never seen before within his whole life time. With a dream in hand and in toe he went to straight to the Royal Academy. Upon walking in he had seen the granduer he had read about and studied. High dome blue roofs and solid walls of brown. Seeking out the flight instructor personally to the king of the time. He wanted to be taught by the best.

Upon acceptence he worked long and hard through his time within the royal academy. Learning to do this and understanding that. Rumor of him soon spread throughout all that was the Royal Security Force. Graduating with high honors and with a fighter slot secured he become the pilot he had always wanted to be.


Delta Squadron

As time passed so did he. Progressing upwards from pilot to captain he eventually become the leader of the newly established Delta squadron. With Alpha,Bravo and Gamma covering the other reigns of the Naboo System their home was Naboo itself. So everyday once morning broke upon leaving the theed hangar they came up to their established flight path that circle orbited the planet. While it was boring and tedious to them they always had their blue marble of a home for an eye soar to think upon.

However on a dreadful day this had been interupted. Coming into the horizon the squadron flew in a flying V. Upon their radars a large number of objects came upon them first just few but then has they came closer threefold they popped. Coming into visual they soon spotted a fully blown Imperial fleet in orbit above the magestic planet.

Alarmed the pilots knew they were out guned and upon them tie fighters came in waves. Knowing this was not a fight that could be fought Viperia dragged his squadron deep down into the plains of naboo into theed they went. Right before them waves of citizens had left the city and into the air huge columns of Royal Security Forces had their hands up.

Fast and over they went passing the huge AT AT divisions and ground forces that marched upon the capitol city. Understanding that even in this sitatuon all were captured including the monarchy by this sudden invasion on their world. They took to the forests and swamps of naboo.


Invasion Of Naboo

Together the twelve pilots knew no longer they were a squadron but the last remaining free people of the naboo. With not anything but their familys left they all seperated and headed for their settlements hoping to get out while they still could. But amongst them Viperia did not dare. Knowing that if he did he would be followed if spotted he trusted that the hidden location of Narmle and the fact that it has always been unmarked would protect his family of which he loved.

Standing their within the forest he thought of what to do next. With Theed under imperial occupation and with a means to leave he did. Throwing the camo off his N1 he hopped in and reved up the engine. With only one shot and know it was a life or misery to be had he took his chance. Aiming high into the sky slowly the N1 gained flight. Coming into the darkness that was space. Before him in greater a full imperial blockade was underway. With the sitation getting more dangerous every second he took his chance. Throwing the thurst to full burn he jettisoned fast past the bridges of the ISDs. Coming up and behind a huge patrol of tie fighters commimited in pursuit.

But thankfully he out ran them dodging all the lasers that they ever threw his way. With freedom at last and a broken world he loved behind. He knew he could never go back to his lovely world that once was.
