Kana Aevum

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Kana Aevum is the Director of Eclipse BactaCo, a corporation specializing in the development and application of medical technology. Though initially provided with direction by other individuals, as Director he pushed it into the spotlight on Year 12 Day 335 when he announced that all technology owned by his corporation would be available to the public free of charge.

Kana Aevum
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Hapes
Mother Unknown
Father Unknown
Spouse N/A
Siblings Jovius Aevum (adopted brother) - deceased
Children N/A
Born Year -12 Day 175
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.87 meters
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Unknown
Political Information
Affiliation Eclipse BactaCo
Rank Leader
Positions Dynast of Baikh'vair Clan

Director (Eclipse BactaCo)

Administrator of Infrastructure (Eclipse BactaCo)


Coming Soon

Work History

Eclipse BactaCo Year 12 Day 195 ~ Current Day

Gricul Salvage Yards Year 13 Day 10 ~ Year 13 Day 41


Early Years

Coming Soon

Departure from "Home"

Coming Soon

Reunion of Life

Coming Soon

Shadow of The Eclipse

Coming Soon

Renewal of Life

Coming Soon

Another Light Fades...

Coming Soon

Notable Galactic Positons
Preceeded By:
Ayame Aevum
Director of Eclipse BactaCo
Year 12, Day 270 - Present
Succeeded By:
Preceeded By:
Administrator of Infrastructure, Eclipse BactaCo
Year 12, Day 195 - Present
Succeeded By: