Sali Saar

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Revision as of 06:47, 30 March 2012 by Sali Saar (talk | contribs) (This is the biography of Sali Saar, Gand male from Gand.)
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Biographical Information
Race {{{race}}}
Physical Description
Gender {{{gender}}}
Political Information
Affiliation {{{affiliation}}}

""I find your lack of pants disturbing." - [url][/url]"
— {{{person}}}

In Principio Erat Sali

Sali Saar was born in the year 13 on the planet of Gand. His parents died shortly after his birth - his mother from childbirth and his father shot to death by bandits while visiting Kessel. Both of his parents were freelance. Sali grew up to be a pilot