Tomas o`Cuinn

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Tomas o`Cuinn
Biographical Information
Race Hapan / Gotal (Metamorphosis Plague Victim)
Homeworld Charubah
Mother Maeveen o`Cuinn (deceased)
Father Culain o`Cuinn (deceased)
Spouse None
Siblings Kelwyn o`Cuinn (brother)
Children None
Born Y-15 D122
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 6' 2" (188cm)
Weight 200lbs (90kg)
Eye Color Blue/Green
Political Information
Affiliation Freelance
Rank Not applicable
Positions Not applicable
Prior Affiliation Black Sun, Y13 D324 - Y14 D354
Awards No Formal Awards; Numerous rewards for loyalty and dedication

Tomas o`Cuinn is a Hapan male who is perhaps best known for his past affiliation with the Black Sun crime syndicate.

Tomas O`Cuinn was a Metamorphosis Plague victim who was transformed into a Gotal on Year 15 Day 12 when the Pindaar System was discovered carrying the plague there and having it adapt.




Trading Career

Black Sun


Other Notes


Cuinn's flagship is the Bayonet-class Light Cruiser "imputrescible"