Mackenzie Decca

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Mackenzie Decca
Biographical Information
Race Hapan
Homeworld Hapes
Mother Tasha Decca
Father Charles Decca
Marital Status Single
Siblings Robert Decca, Anthony Decca, Kydan Retri, Michael Retri
Born Y -4 D 92 (19 years old)
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.7 meters
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Political Information
Affiliation Galactic Empire
Rank Second Lieutenant

Early Life

Born to Charles and Tasha Decca, Mackenzie was the youngest and only daughter to the Decca’s. Mackenzie as the daughter felt a little more privileged than her older brothers, it seemed. At age 11 with her father imprisoned by Imperials, part the Decca children were abandoned by their mother shortly after. With their mother going to a rich Coruscanti man, Mackenzie remained with her mother for another month, while Robert wondered the streets of Hapes. Here she was abused as their mother turned to glitterstim and alcohol. Mackenzie ran away from her mother, living on the streets of Hapes for weeks. Shortly after turning 12, Mackenzie was picked up by thugs while wondering the streets of Hapes. She was then transported off the planet into partial slavery. Staying in Imperial space, 12 year old Mackenzie was used as a gangster’s house servant on Coruscant. She served on Coruscant till the age of 14 when the gangster’s compound was raided by Imperial authorities. Under Imperial custody, Mackenzie was sent to a secret station to attend rehabilitation, for the abuse she suffered from her mother and the man in which she served against her will. During her rehab, Mackenzie became a fan of playing grav-ball. This seemed to help Mackenzie during her recovery. At age 16 Mackenzie returned to Hapes where she was shortly reunited with her brother Robert. Mackenzie then returned to school at Hapes Academy. Robert disappeared, and wasn’t seen by Mackenzie for a couple years. Mackenzie, though worried for her brother, focused on her studies. Robert reappeared soon after Mackenzie’s graduation. Mackenzie then learned Robert had enlisted, and Mackenzie was too eager to follow directly in his footsteps. At age 19 Mackenzie Decca enlists into Imperial ranks.

Mackenzie before entering rehab.

Mackenzie towards the end of her session in rehab.

Mackenzie in her Grav Ball uniform.

Mackenzie upon graduation from Imperial Academy, in formal civilian wear.