Teresa Rowley

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Teresa "Cookie" Rowley
Biographical Information
Race Human
Homeworld Unknown
Clan Manalishi
House Rowley
Mother Xhex Manalishi (Deceased)
Father Blackhearted Jack Manalishi (Deceased)
Marital Status In a Relationship
Spouse Chris Rowley (Deceased)
Partner Jerex Nizz (year 17 Day 4 - present)
Siblings None
Children Christopher Rowley (Deceased)
Born Year -10 Day 363
Died N/A
Languages Galactic Standard
Religion N/A
Quote "Death Before Dishonor, Only In Death Does Duty End"
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 1.6 meters
Weight 130 lbs
Coloring Natural Tanned
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Hazel
Political Information
Affiliation Galactic Empire Imperial Navy
Rank Commander
Positions 2nd Imperial Fleet Signal Officer
Prior Affiliation N/A

Quick summary of character.


At a Glance

  • NAME: Teresa "Cookie" Rowley
  • FACTION: Galactic Empire,
  • Joined: Year 14, Day 343
  • RANK: Imperial Navy Commander,
  • 2nd Imperial Fleet Signals Officer
  • SPECIES: Human
  • HOME WORLD: Unknown
  • CLAN/FAMILY: Manalishi / Rowley
  • Father: Blackhearted Jack Manalishi (Deceased Year 12 Day 146)
  • Mother: Xhex Manalishi (Deceased Year 12 Day 146)
  • Siblings: None
  • SPOUSE: Chris Rowley (Deceased) (Born Year -09 Day 0 Deceased Year 12 Day 146)
  • Children: Christopher Rowley (son) (Born Y10 D97)(Deceased Year 12 Day 146)
  • AGE:26
  • BORN: Year -10 Day 363
  • SEX: Female
  • MARITAL STATUS: In a relationship
  • Partner: Jerex Nizz


  • HEIGHT: 1.6 meters
  • WEIGHT: 130 lbs
  • EYES: Hazel
  • HAIR: Red
  • SKIN: Natural Tanned
  • NOTICEABLE FEATURES: A scar that runs along her right shoulder to her waist.
  • CLOTHES: Is always in black, her two DH-17 6 pistols, her special cookie, and liquor flasks on her waist. Her LJ-90 BlasTech Rifle on her back. Only on rare occasions is she seen wearing anything else.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • LOYAL ( Loyal to her rare few friends as well as the Navy unit and Galactic Empire that she is a member of. )
  • TRAINING (Is trained in both armed and unarmed fighting as well as fighter and capital ship piloting.)
  • EDUCATION (Has had some type of education as she enjoys reading and learning.)


  • COOKIES (She always carries some )
  • ALCOHOL (Loves aged Corellian Whiskey, she always keeps a flask of it on her.)

From early life to Adult life and service in the Empire

Pre Galactic Empire

Teresa was born on a now long gone luxary space station to feighter parents Jack and Xhex Manalishi. She grew up helping her parents and their crew. Her companion was Chris Rowley the young son of a couple that worked with her parents. Soon friendship blossomed to love. On Teresa's 18th birthday Chris and Teresa married. A year later their son Christopher was born. Times were good and they continued working with their parents traveling from one end of the galaxy to the other moving supplies for those that hired the small family run group.

Death & Dark Times

Shortly before her son's second birthday tragedy struck. Pirates attacked the ship for the cargo, killing nearly all onboard including Teresa's parents, husband and young son. Teresa was critical wounded when a section of the ship had fallen on her slicing her from shoulder to waist crushing her. A patrolling imperial ship seeing the wreck sent troopers to seek survivors finding Teresa more dead than alive. After several long painful months of healing and treatment's Teresa finally was medically cleared to leave the medical platform. She would always bear a reminder of the attack in the form of a long scar running down her right side. Upon her release Teresa wandered about the galaxy unsure what to do taking what jobs she could get drinking up what pay she made. Quick to temper when drunk, after one fight and arrest the imperial judge having known her parents and her past gave her a choice the prison colony or the military. She chose the later knowing here was a way to avenge her family and repay those that saved her life.

Galactic Empire & Imperial Navy

Imperial Star Destroyer


At 23 Teresa applied to the Academy of the Empire and upon graduation joined the Imperial Navy. During her first year, she was falsely accused of a crime and almost killed. She was rescued and cleared with the help of her commander at the time and fellow fleet pilots. Earning him and the fleet her undying loyalty.

Fresh Start

Shortly after she was transferred to the 2nd fleet where she was determined to start fresh and make a new life for herself. With careful planning and purchasing, she started buying properties, ships, stations and NPC's to resell. Her past she never mentions, No one knows from where she comes nor does she say. When asked she rarely replies if she does it's only to say it's the past and best forgotten.

Love, Betrayal & Death

Teresa finally meets a young Kiffer with a troubled past during a trade deal and the two becomes friends sharing their dark troubled pasts. As their friendship grew they fell in love and after a couple of years decided to openly become a couple and talked of marriage. But it was not to be, Ben changed groups to allow them to marry. The night of their announcement Ben was betrayed by a traitor in his new fraction and murdered before Teresa and Ben's friends even offer to pay for his freedom. Teresa still carries the last message Ben managed to send her before his death. Benares Kurogane's last message he managed to get to her before he was killed. Year 16 Day 326, 19:36 This will be the last time you will receive a message from me. I don't know why but someone put up a private bounty on me.. the person who pick it up had a friend in Hapes. I was assign a ship and they were waiting for me on board.. I will not survive the night.. I'm sorry. I wish I could stay with you but faith had other plans.. remember that I love you even in the after life.. my last wish for you is that you be happy.. I hope someone can love you and stay by you're side where I could not..

After his death she received word about those that killed him from one of his friends who set out to find Ben's murders. Teresa,I have some good news and some bad news. Good news is that I now know who set Ben up and why. Bad news is, we can't get to them. The girl that set him up in Hapes is named Eve Reighner . She is deceased. Apparently Hapes wasn't too thrilled with how she set up Ben so they arrested and executed her. The guy who paid her to do it, was named Torak Kissell. He was a member of Total Outer Rim. Before she died, Eve implicated him as the one who paid her off. She didn't know why. Torak is also now deceased as he committed suicide to escape meeting his deserved fate from the bounty placed on him for Ben's murder.

Love at First Sight

Teresa agreed to go to the Mascarade Ball with Aves never realizing her life was about to change forever. Shortly after the emperor's arrive Ave is called away on a highly important mission causing him to have to leave. As she sits in the lounge contemplating leaving to return to duty or stay. A handsome stranger offers to buy her a drink. Before long they are out on the dance floor, and they both learn they have a lot in common. Both are Navy CMDR's and FSO's as well as both share strong feelings for the Empire and even stronger feelings for each other, as it was love at first sight. During a romantic trip to Naboo Jerex set the stage for a wonderful surprise and the two soon become a couple. They purchased their first residence on Maal where they enjoy time together when not on duty or traveling.


Teresa has quite a few personal possessions that she is proud of, Most of them she bought with either her Naval Salary or through Trading with others. Some things she keeps others she trades or sells to earn extra money.


  • GR-75 Medium Transport TR Night Wolf
  • Aggressor Assault Fighter TR Night Hawk


  • Luxury Space Colony TR Wolf Den



  • 3PO Protocol Droid Santiago
  • Mark I Assault Droid MARC
  • Sentinel Droid T-41
  • K-4 Security Droid K 4 SD


  • Landing Pad Neelgaimon
  • Personal Residence Maal
  • Personal Residence Maal


Teresa has over 192 members of personnel working for her, mostly pilots, flight crews, builders, and riflemen. Though she also has a complete staff on her station to see that everything runs smoothly in her absence.