Erdan Morusk
This sentient is deceased.
Logistics Chief Award
Homeworld: Devaron
Species: Devaronian
Gender: Male
Erdan Morusk was born in -19 BCGT on Devaron. He was traditionally raised by his mother and aunts. Erdie's father wasn't there for him and travelled the Galaxy instead. It was nothing out of the ordinary though, since Devaronian males were raised for this very purpose - to leave their homeworld and explore the known and unknown space.
Young Morusk was no different. As soon as his formal education ended, his mother funded his first ship. For a few years Erdie was travelling around, getting to know many systems and plaents he'd only seen in holobooks before. Thanks to expanding his horizons the Devaronian started to develop political opinions. As a non-human he obviously hated the Empire. Also he found nothing thrilling in jobs some other Devaronians preferred, thus he never worked as a smuggler, mercenary or bounty hunter. Erdan wanted only a legitimate job, so one day he joined the Republic Mining Corporation. His post required flying and prospecting, of which only the first one was appealing to him. After some time he moved to another faction supporting the Rebel Alliance - Corellian Transport Serices. Once there, he finally knew this was the job he was looking for.
Service with the Corellian Transport Services was the job Morusk was looking for. He met numerous other pilots who shared his natural love for roaming the Galaxy. As a citizen of the New Republic he also enjoyed being in a community that had only little traces of racism. The company he worked for consisted of a variety of non-humans and humans alike. In time Erdan took over the Delivery Logistics which involved long flights in large freighters and coordinating all kinds of heavy transport in the CTS. For a while he also served in the Logistics division of the New Republic's ally, Falleen Federation.
His career ended with an error, one that a Devaronian should never make. He was in his corporation's home system, taking off with a cargo to be delivered to the other end of the Galaxy. He did what he always did - as soon as he cleared the planet's atmosphere, he input the coordinates to the nearest point outside the gravity well, engaged the engines at eighty percent throttle and sat back to take a short nap while the navicomputer was calculating the hyperspace jump coordinates. Unfortunately, his ship's autopilot malfunctioned and took a course toward the system's sun. The proximity alert's horn did not wake him up because it had been disabled as soon as the Devaronian started using this ship - he never enjoyed loud noises when he was napping and his innate sense of space combined with the ship's scanners served well and he thought he didn't need a proximity alert. When he woke up to engage the hyperdrive, it was already too late. He was already caught in the sun's gravity and unable to break free. Realizing he had only minutes left, he sent a short message to his faction's headquarters, hoping it would get through the sun corona's interference. The message, later cleared up by CTS technicians and viewed by his fellow pilots, read "Take good care of my stuff while I'm gone."
Remains of his ship were never recovered.