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Revision as of 03:30, 17 January 2018 by Nox Callias (talk | contribs)
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General Information
Status Active
Leader Nox Callias
Motto "Blood is earned."
Historical Information
Founded Year 18
Political Information
Affiliation None
Type Clan



The leader of the clan is known as the Imperatrix, and generally lead until death. They are responsible for all overruling decisions that affect the clan, from new members to trade agreements. If it has any substantial impact on the well being of the clan at large, it will pass by the Imperatrix first.




Individuals that have been given the honorary title within the clan are technically not members themselves, but rather have shown they are trustworthy friends of the clan.


The clan placed little importance on birthplace or citizenship, and so had no official "state" as understood by galactic politics, gender also means little as everyone is considered equal. When it comes to family dynamics, clan members place no difference between a biological child or one who has been adopted.


Laws in Skoria society and territory are lax at best, with no forbidden substances or weapons. Indentured slavery is common place, though mistreatment of such slaves can result in extreme punishments up to and including the death penalty, or loss of limbs, and the buying and selling of slaves is strictly prohibited unless agreed upon by the indentured individual.

Prejudice is not tolerated by Skoria, and though not a crime in and of itself, can result in civil punishments or enforced servitude as repayment for transgressions.

Conflicts are generally resolved with a trial by combat, or at the ruling of the Imperatrix, depending on the severity.


While the severity of the transgression determines the punishment, it can range from a simple apology, to a call for offending party to be put to death in the most extreme cases. Usually exile is preferred for the more severe transgressions, with the offender having their facial tattoos branded over to mark them as an outcast, but their lives spared for admitting their guilt.


Facial tattoos are used to signify a persons status within the clan.




Birthed from a need to cooperate or die, Skoria was originally a conglomeration of several smaller families, that over time grew to a point where familial lines blurred, and the clan itself was born. It has lasted through the ages, fluctuating in size and visibility through the eras, merging with various groups and families as necessary, but always maintaining the driving force of freedom of choice, and freedom to choose.

The clan is once again breaching into public view under the leadership of its current Imperatrix.


Clan Skoria owns and operates various establishments around the galaxy.


The most well known Skoria establishment is Crucible station, originally famed for its casino, the station has remained a neutral meeting grounds for all sentients of any walks of life.



Nox Callias


Raysel Ishtar


