Robertii Pengulinii

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Kewl Kim Amidala
Biographical Information
Race Naboo
Homeworld Jabiim
Mother Unknown †
Father Kewl Yung Kim †
Spouse N/A
Siblings N/A
Children N/A
Born Unknown
Physical Description
Gender Unknown
Height 1.16 meters
Coloring White
Eye Color Brown
Political Information
Affiliation Jabiim Consortium
Rank The Big Leader
Positions Magistrate of Lythia (self-proclaimed)
Prior Affiliation Lythian Pirates

Kewl Kim Amidal or The Big Leader as it self entitles and prefers to be addressed is one of the last remnants of the old Lythian Pirates Empire.

Lythian Flag

Soon after the liberation of Jabiim and the founding of the Jabiim Consortium 'Kim' locks himself on his palace in the city of Lythia and self proclaimed the building has is own sovereign self sufficient government. Not much is known about the life within the walls of the palace or whats going on inside but it is of common knowledge around the planet that 'Kim' likes to spend time adorning himself with luxury items and throwing huge parties for himself.

There has been rumors on the Galactic News Services about 'Kim' being the only biological creature leaving within the Palace walls and that he keeps a populace of service droids without proper lubrication and maintenance.

Kim overseeing the hives in the city of Lythia from the balcony of his palace.