File talk:Zephyr-G Swoop.jpg

From Holocron - Star Wars Combine
Revision as of 16:04, 11 February 2019 by Belloq Tull (talk | contribs)
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OK, this is screwed up.

I tried for almost an hour to upload an image of the Prometheus CP ship, and was denied each and every time. I tried every Combine version, and got an error each time. I tried resaving the Combine image, both large and small, as both jpg and png files, with no success.

I decided to move on, and upload a Zephyr-G image, which went just fine -- except it had the Prometheus name on the upload, since the uploader thought I was still trying to upload a Prometheus file.

Now, I have a Zephyr image with the Promeheus name. I can't upload a new Zephyr image, since it says it's the same file as the "Prometheus" image, and it won't allow me to either change the name to Zephyr, or even overwrite the image with an actual Prometheus image.
