Year 22

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This is a chronological list of noteworthy events that occurred in Year 22. For an overview of all such events, see Timeline.
For the summary of events preceding the Galactic Civil War, see History of the Galaxy.

  • Day 1 : Seyugi Dervishes has been renamed to Santhe Security. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
  • Day 2 : Galactic business registrars recorded the opening of a new company today. Nova Network specializes in Manufacturing and will be led by Jarreth Darksky. The first headquarters of Nova Network opened today in Sabrash II 3,16 on Sabrash II.
  • Day 36 : A new military force emerged today. Nomads is a Mercenaries group and will be led by Seth Haze. The first headquarters of Nomads opened today in OL on Bosph II.
  • Day 36 : Galactic business registrars recorded the opening of a new company today. Deepcore Industrial Coalition of Extractors specializes in Mining and will be led by Willow van-der Plas. The first headquarters of Deepcore Industrial Coalition of Extractors opened today in Yen #163 on Urce IV.
  • 'Day 38 : Tavel Security Services has been renamed to Outer Rim Security. The press is still waiting for comments on the change.
  • Day 38 : Gadzooks! Scouts have discovered the system Dallenor at location (-6, -199). On discovering the system, we are also welcoming the Fosh to a life of civil war and starvation.


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