Lost Tribe of the Dune Sea

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The Lost Tribe of the Dune Sea

Around Year 14, a rescue team led by Hazamuzee Seph came across a group of adolescent Sand People in the wilds of the Dune Sea, nearly starved to death and she and the doctors of Maker's Offworld Medical, took them back to the Cult of the Maker Compound for healing and to unravel the mystery of what they were doing there.

After a few weeks of healing and building trust, the leader of the group, a male of around fifteen years of age called Urik, communicated the story for how much they knew of it: Several years prior the elders of their tribe had, along with a strange human been fighting spice traders off of their lands. The battles had been going on for several months when the human left them for a time. When he had been gone about a week, the level of activity of the spice traders started to increase again, and the tribe sent all of the children into hiding. They were told not to come out until they were called for and the hiding place was seemingly well provisioned. They had been there for several years before found by the MOM team and brought the Cult of the Maker's Stronghold on Tattoine.

For the next eight years, the Cult of the Maker, along with a team led by Master Armorer Kolomon Seph, helped these youths learn trades, train in battle, and earn their own livelihood. These twenty four survivors along with their newly procured rusty Action IV with a medical vehicle, have finally set out from the Maker's Compound on the Action piloted by their Astromech R5-D13. They are looking to earn their place in this new galaxy and seek contracts to work as a highly skilled small militia group.