Kimril Kiil

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Work In Progress

Star Wars Combine lore


The house Kimril Kiil has been founded on year 24 day 273 by its two founding members Arizi Tez Faorusdo (Kimril'tez'radhan) and Boadil Ok Isan (Kimril'ok'kiil) as a movement of Chiss knowledge.


The meaning of "Kim'ril Ki'il" can be literally translated to Basic as "knowledge seekers"


Boadil Ok Isan - (patriarch)

Arizi Tez Faorusdo - (senior aid)

Outside of Star Wars Combine


The formation (5000 BBY)

History of the Kimril Kiil dates all the way to the Great Frost (circa 5000 BBY) when Csilla froze over. As the frost came, so with it came extensive loss of knowledge and much of the older knowledge and information has been lost. In a great effort of recovering these records, many of the houses formed a joint faction called "Kim'ri Ki'il" (knowledge seekers) which main goal was to recover all of the lost information, and preserve it, to prevent a scenario like this happening again.

It is not known when exactly did the faction became its own house, but we know that to achieve above mentioned goals, the faction was given more and more independence, until it reached a tipping point after which you could considere it its own house.

Birth of Kimril Kiil

Not long after the house gained relative independence, the first pillars of their structure were formed. Namely in the form of two main house roles: Ki'il (seeker) and Rad'han (keeper) each member has been assigned with one of the two roles which defined his life in the house.