User talk:Rick Bender
As a character, Rick Bender is a mixture of several influences. He is modeled a bit after Rick from Rick and Morty, who himself was modeled after Doc from Back to the Future. He's also modeled a bit after Bender from Futurama, who himself was modeled after John Bender from The Breakfast Club. But perhaps most of all, he is modeled after Larry Kenobi from the Auralnauts' lampoons of the Star Wars prequels and the Kenobi series. Each of these influences is quite complimentary if you analyze them. Rick, Bender, and Larry have a lot in common. Rickard (Game of Thrones reference) Laurentius (the Latin form of Lawrence, the source of Larry) Bender's aliases come from the original temporary name chosen by Darkness (Shane Cage, the name on his tutorial speeder) and two alternate handles: Steven Dirtfarmer (rejected by Ten) and Laurentius Yolo (accepted by Euna Miriel). Guapo is a redundant Larry reference (it means "handsome"), and RL are his first initials, hinting at a "real-life" bender but also a subtle nod towards the bluesman RL Burnside. Ewan McGregor was selected as the avatar subject to further drive home the Larry Kenobi reference. Discord avatar is taken from his role as Renton in Trainspotting, and the rest of the images are taken from Last Days in the Desert, where he portrays both Jesus and Satan. Obviously, I have no idea what I'm supposed to be talking about here. Do you know?