User:Glenn Osmer
Glenn Osmer, a confident and commanding individual of average height with a lean yet muscular build, was born and raised in a city named Tarsas, located in the middle of the "Plains of Dust" on the desolate world of Tatooine.
Early Life
Glenn Osmer was born into a military family of moderate influence. His father rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Guard Planetary Defense Force of Tatooine working in weather research and development. His mother was a Jedi of some renown but had left the order to be a devoted wife focusing instead on managing the home and raising her children. Both parents were loyalists and instilled core values of honor, strength and a deep respect for the natural order of the world around him.
Life on Tatooine was difficult to say the least. Glenn often returned home from school with tattered clothes and a black eye from scrapping with local riffraff. It was from these encounters that Glenn began to use the teachings of his mother who would always say; "every challenge brings the hope of opportunity". As Glenn grew his skill in anticipating the actions of others won him the wrestling championship of Tatooine 6 years running. It was during these trips to Bestine that Glenn first began to think about traveling beyond the confines of Tatooine.