Template:Infobox Planet

From Holocron - Star Wars Combine
Revision as of 21:13, 16 October 2011 by Raith Starlight (talk | contribs) (Added a field for links to SWC Galaxy Map)
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System {{{system}}}
Sector {{{sector}}}
Galactic Coordinates {{{galcoord}}}
System Coordinates {{{syscoord}}}
Rotation Period {{{rotation}}}
Orbital Period {{{orbital}}}
Astrographic Entry {{{Entry}}}
Type {{{type}}}
Primary Terrain: {{{terrain}}}
Controlled By {{{faction}}}
Governor {{{governor}}}
Magistrate {{{magistrate}}}
Population {{{population}}}
Sentient Races {{{race}}}

{{Infobox Planet
|name = 
|image = 
|system  =
|sector  =
|galcoord = 
|syscoord = 
|rotation = 
|orbital = 
|Entry =
|type   = 
|terrain = 
|faction =   
|governor =  
|magistrate = 
|population =  
|race =  