Aylia Trenika

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Revision as of 03:14, 20 February 2012 by Aylia Trenika (talk | contribs)
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Aylia Trenika
Biographical Information
Race Twi'lek
Homeworld Ryloth
Mother N/A
Father N/A
Spouse None
Siblings None
Children Classified
Born Day 86 Year -13 (Aged 26)
Died N/A
Physical Description
Gender Female
Height 5'3
Coloring None
Hair Color None
Eye Color Yellow
Political Information
Affiliation Akheton Vehicle Corporation

Early History

Born on Ryloth to a large family Aylia lived in the farm regions. Growing up poor Aylia saw the harshness of the Galaxy; she quickly began to help her family try to make more credits like her brothers and sisters. As her older brother grew near an age capable of leaving he joined the Hutt's and began sending credits home to her family....For years her brother continued this, and Aylia was given enough credits to leave Ryloth . Taking an opportunistic chance she traveled to a Trade Federation recruitment center in the nearby city. She quickly bought a ship and traveled to Federation space after Enlisting.

Known Vessels

  • YT-510 the "Arak'tu`ral".

  • Pursuer Enforcement Ship the "Elizabeth's Folly"

  • BFF-1 the "Kait`keri"

Career Past & Current

  • Senior Recruit - Dorinian Military Corps - Past
Senior Recruit
Year 12 Day 342 - Year 13 Day 80
Preceeded By:
Chief Medical Officer
Year 13 Day 81 - Present
Succeeded By: