Talk:Sovan Theln
Hey! Sovan! --Mira Scylla 06:03, 15 October 2012 (GMT)
Hello. --Sovan Theln 18:18, 15 October 2012 (GMT)
So, you talked to you before spawning. So I assume you are wanting to put in your thoughts on my character skill sheet? --Mira Scylla 19:29, 15 October 2012 (GMT)
Right, and perhaps even convince you to look into the Dark Skies Gearworks. :P --Sovan Theln 20:11, 15 October 2012 (GMT)
And this Dark Skies Gearworks is what exactly? I'm actively brainstorming on how I should build myself. Not easy. Noticed new skill stuff. Haha.
Also this is what I thought of for my stats.
Space Social Science General Ground
General: Strength - 3 Dodge - 2
Social: Diplomacy/Trading - 2 Crafting/Slicing - 4
Science: Repair - 4
Space: Capital Ship Piloting - 4 Capital Ship Combat - 3 Space command - 3
Ground: Inf. Command - 3 --Mira Scylla 23:48, 15 October 2012 (GMT)
The Gearworks is the faction I'm a part of. Check up on it. I'll review your skills later tomorrow. --Sovan Theln 03:56, 16 October 2012 (GMT)
Alright, I'll do some checking on that name. Also, I am thinking it'd be fun to play as a Capital Ship Commander/tactician. It'll be fun I think. Haha. A blind Captain haha --Mira Scylla 15:02, 16 October 2012 (GMT)
You don't have to be blind. Albino doesn't necessarily mean you have to be blind. In fact, it might make it easier to not be blind as far as RP goes.
True. I guess I was just caught up playing a blind character. I'll just tweak my cron up a bit. Haha. --Mira Scylla 19:56, 16 October 2012 (GMT)
I'm liking the new version much more. Sparks out my creative side a lot more. --Mira Scylla 21:04, 16 October 2012 (GMT)
Your biography is coming along nicely, yeah. I'm a bit busy this week so I'll review your skills this weekend. Taking a glance at them, they do look good. Remember that Hapans have a new skill set now. --Sovan Theln 02:47, 19 October 2012 (GMT)
No worries. I think I will be capable of be really active tomorrow or Saturday. Wanna come pick me up?? Haha. --Mira Scylla 03:50, 19 October 2012 (GMT)
I might be at a local Renaissance festival for the majority of Saturday and I'm currently on a week+ trip to the other side of the galaxy to recycle a space colony I, but I can talk with Lilith for me to come and get you afterwards before I head off to pick up some crucial production materials for the Gearworks' production line. I doubt she will mind at all because Hapes is so close. You could also spawn at DSG HQ and use one of our ships to reach orbit. Just make sure you're wanting to use the name Scylla instead of Theln. I thought it would be neat to be a Theln but you obviously chose Scylla for reasons unknown (especially since the parent names are Caylor). I just want to make sure you make the right choice. =P Furthermore, your stats look fine to me. They will be effective at recycling or any of the other jobs at the Gearworks. --Sovan Theln 15:17, 19 October 2012 (GMT)
Yeah, I am still tweaking the profile, haha. Mira Scylla is her birth name, just gotta swap the fix the parents name. And IC i plan to use Thelnn. OOC purpose to it is just a safe guard if things somehow go south for us both. I doubt things will, but if it did. I would like to rp it as going back to my birth name kind of thing. Well. That's how I am seeing it in my wonderful mind. HAHA!
I think I will ask your boss and see if she will be fine with me just spawning at her HQ when my character can spawn. If anything I'll probably just sit in her group for free. Just so I don't have to say I'm freelance. --Mira Scylla 16:37, 19 October 2012 (GMT)
Well hopefully you do consider joining as a full member, earning a cheque and all. Anyways, yeah it makes perfect sense. And you don't have to roleplay a marital name, being Hapan and all. Heh. And I'm sure Lilith won't mind. Lilith is one of those kinds of people that they are just there to help. --Sovan Theln 18:22, 19 October 2012 (GMT)
I'm creating my character now, with that skill choice above. --Mira Scylla 20:46, 19 October 2012 (GMT)