Stubb or no Stubb?
I reverted the deletion, the article is good enough, even if it can still be improved.--Dreighton 17:03, 23 February 2011 (GMT)
Singular of Anzati
So, the Wookieepedia article this article essentially copies refers to the singular of Anzati as Anzat. Different RPG sites (at least, their users) including SWC use "Anzati" as both singular and plural. SWC's race description for Anzati states, "With the average Anzati reaching 1.7m in height..." As such I've removed references to Anzat as the singular in this article, at least until such a time as the SWC description is officially changed. There was a bit of back-and-forth in this article itself, with both terms occasionally being used as the singular, so it's currently consistent..