Kan Naminaus

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Kan Naminaus
Biographical Information
Race Sullustan
Homeworld Sullust
Mother Elora Naminaus
Father Niel Naminaus
Born Year -7, Day 28
Physical Description
Gender Male
Height 1.6 m
Eye Color Black
Political Information

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” --Kan Naminaus


An every day Sullustan, with a natural talent at navigating his way around the Universe, instantly knowing how all the different freighters and fighters work and an excellent vision in the dark, Kan grew up on his home planet, Sullust, dreaming every day of extraordinary adventures like his hero, Dllr Nep.

Kan worked with his father, repairing and recycling broken fighters engines.

Only a few months ago, a Sullustan trader hired Kan to fix his old ship which had frequent breakdowns during hyperspace travels, but it wasn't enough. After 2 months on-board, the ship's engines couldn't keep up and simply gave up.

Shortly after, Kan found himself a job as a Junior Droid Salesman with Serv-O-Droid and steadily started climbing the ladder, earning himself a promotion to Head Droid Salesman a little under 2 months later.

Early Life

First Space Travels
