Tatooine Situation Update

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Posted by Darkara Shadow Sanjit on Year 0 Day 0

Onboard the Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser Quasar 1 at galactic position (231, -234).

Your screen flickers to life and the image of a man in a crimson red cloak appears and you realize it is Darkara Shadow Sanjit.

"I would like to inform the galaxy on the Tatooine Situation, When my forces arrived on Tatooine all we found was destruction. The Imperial Forces still had a blockade on the planet and we found it quite hard to get very many landers to make it to the surface. We were able to rescue a few refugees from certain death, after we got them off the surface the order went out for our forces to return to base and all Renegade forces have withdrawn from Tatooine. Now at this time I would like to have a moment of silence for those who died on Tatooine."

Darkara bows his head and the screen fades to black.