Imperial Navy Awards Year 1 Day 182 to 243

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Awards - Year 1 Day 182

Naval Command Fleet

Flight-Sergeant OVERMIND, step forward. The training exercise you created and lead for the NCF was a example to be followed. Furthermore, it enhanced the team spirit and cohesion of the NCF. For this, you are awarded a LOC for your initiative and a TEC for the quality of your training exercise. This was one of the most complete I saw.

1st Sector Fleet

Crewman Morpheus, step forward. For the gift of your personal ship to the Empire, you are awarded a LOC.

4th Sector Fleet

Ensign Summoning, Flight-Sergeant Sala, step forward. On behalves of your CO, Commander Thrawn24, both of you are awarded a LOC for your meritorious work in your fleet.

12th Sector Fleet

Ensign Kaneda, step forward. On behalves of your CO, Captain Uebles, you are awarded a LOC for your meritorious work in your fleet.

13th Sector Fleet

Commander Derrnon, step forward. For the gift of your personal ship to the Empire, you are awarded a LOC.

Awards - Year 1 Day 212

1st Sector Fleet

Fl-Cpl Morpheus, step forward. On behalves of the INPO, you are awarded a LOC [LOC]for your efficient dedication and success in recruiting new members to the Imperial Navy.

4th Sector Fleet

Cmdr Thrawn24, step forward. On behalves of the entire Imperial Navy, for your examplary work creating and managing the IRTC, you are awarded the prestigious Navy Achievement Award [NAA]

8th Sector Fleet

Lt Alekseyev, step forward. On behalves of the Navy Command, you are hereby promoted as Lt-Cmdr for your meritorious work as CO of your fleet.

11th Sector Fleet

Lt Wold, step forward. For your brilliant and constant work at the INA as ARIT examinator, you are awarded a LOC [LOC] .

17th Fleet

Ensign Dreg Teredge, step forward. On behalves of your Commanding Officer, Commander Onijaya, you are awarded a LOC [LOC] for your brilliant and constant work at website of the 17th Fleet.


To conclude this ceremony, I want to insist on the excellent performances of 2 of our Imperial Fleets, I personnally congratulate the NCF and the 13th Sector Fleet for their excellent work this month.

Awards - Year 1 Day 243

17th Fleet

Fl-Cpl Polarisruner, step forward. On behalves of your Commanding Officer, Lt (jg) Teredge, you are hereby awarded a LOC [LOC] for your hard work on making graphics, recruiting and dedication to fleet assistance.


  • The above awards comes from Veynom archives.
  • They need to be included into other articles and dates must be converted.