Modular Taskforce Cruiser

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The Modular Taskforce Cruiser is was initially designed to create an all-purpose support ship for the navies of the galaxy. Its design was intended to allow a variety of mission-specific modules to be fitted to the hull, including hospital, survey, cargo, observation, and inquisition modules.

The project was ultimately too complex and clients large enough to afford the vessels backed out. With a loss of funding, the team responsible for the initial designs decided to scrap the plans; however, before disposing of the schematics completely, they were put on the open market for purchase. The blueprints and all accompanying research for the vessel were bought up by a private production company, who simplified the overall design and fitted the large ship solely with cargo modules and added larger engines to allow it to keep pace with its escorts. The newly redesigned Modular Taskforce Cruiser was marketed as a super freighter, and to make it even more popular and 'task-force-friendly', it was equipped with extensive sensor arrays to help it detect any impending threat to its valuable cargo.

The design was a success, its large cargo capacity being trumped only by the Tabder-class Heavy Hauler, making the Modular Taskforce Cruiser a prized possession in the fleet of any person or group dealing with the transport of large quantities of cargo.


This ship is affiliated to the Old Republic.


The estimated price of the raw materals required to build this ship is 8,915,768.

Materals Amount
Quantum 1,439
Meleenium 13,650
Ardanium 2,013
Rudic 743
Rockivory 30
Varmigio 7,789
Lommite 805
Durelium 2,596


Weapon Amount


Navigation Stats - Cargo Stats - Hull Stats
Hyperspeed 2 Weight 2,200,000 T Length 1,150 m
Sublight Speed 20 MGLT Volume 30,000,000 m³ Hull 5,000
Max Speed 200 km/h Weight Cap 250,000 T Deflector Shields 1,500
Maneuverability 2.00 Volume Cap 3,000,000 m³ Ionic Capacity 1,000
Sensors 8 Max Passengers 1,000 ECM 0
Crew Requirement 650

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