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Light Blasters none
Medium Blasters none
Weight Stats
Weight 0.0500 T
Volume 0.5000 m³
Weight Cap 0.0000 T
Volume Cap 0.0000 m³
Hull Stats
Hull 55
Deflector Shields 0
Ionic Capacity 55
Required Materials
Quantum 1
Meleenium 15
Rudic 7
Tibannagas 2
Varium 10
Hibridium 0
Other Information
Batch Quantity 2
Estimated Material Price 18,048
Affiliation Dail Llwybr Gwaed

R2-U2 is a personal R-series droid owned by Dail Llwybr Gwaed. A trusted companion and jittery fellow, U2 follows Dail on any errand, expressing his thoughts along the way.



"What do you mean, two hundred thousand credits? Are you kidding me? Battered old droid, with outdated components… Some of them aren't even working properly!" – Dail yelled at the tiny Toydarian. He fluttered his wings, reminding her of a bug, ready to be flatten. Blinking his eyes, Toydarian remained adamant – "It's the usual price for a R-2 unit, I don't understand why you're protesting." – he said. Droid tried to move forward and started to chirp, but Toydarian quickly smacked it with his small hand, while taking a remote control with the other, zapping the small R-2 unit with electricity from his restraining bolt. Droid came back to his position, waiting and keeping silent.

Dail came to Asrat Trading Hub station in order to buy herself a droid aide, but this was really too much. Flaring with anger, she decided to calm down and try a different approach. After all, being a member of Empire of Trade had to count for something, even if that something was bluffing. Besides, she felt a flair of anger raising in her chest again, while watching the droid unit tremble under the electric shock – "Is that so?" – she straightened her back before continuing – "Show me your trade and cargo manifest." – Dail said, composing herself and focusing the Toydarian, waiting for his answer. She had this in the bag, and she knew it. "Cargo manifest? I presented it while unboarding... It's on my ship…" – Toydarian started, but Dail quickly cut him off – "You don't have your cargo manifest present. According to Trade Federation Code of Commerce, article six clause forty seven point six; any individual must have a present cargo manifest with him at all…" – Toydarian cut her off – "Wait, I know the Code of Commerce…" – his demeanor quickly changed, as if pleading his case before an executioner – "Please, I'm sure we can work something out…" – he left the words hanging in the air. Dail smirked and simply exhaled a sentence – "Like I said, sixty thousand credits for a R-2 unit sounds just about right, don't you think?" – she looked at him with, focusing his eyes and waited for his response. "Fine!" – Toydarian exclaimed – "Fine! Take it"


Emptiness of hyperspace did not pierce the hull of Cydredwr. Small freighter was strolling forward at a decent pace, cruising the Anthos hyper route. Dail was engrossed with her work. Common room had a small, retractable working bench that was littered with tools and spare parts. Bought R-2 unit was standing beside the bench, deactivated as to ease the access to certain compartments.

Using a micrograbber, Dail opened the inner circuitry access panel and frowned when she saw the poor state within; coolant fluid was nowhere to be seen and cooling cables were non-functional, with several puncture holes along the tube. Taking a servodriver in her left hand, Dail got to work. First step was to remove the circuitry cooling cable and replace it, after that coolant fluid needed to be filled up. After a few minutes she was done and, using a tuning stylus, restarted the cooling process. Her onboard computer showed a decrease in working temperature to optimal levels. A sigh escaped her mouth; she was glad that it worked without further inspection of the droid's interior. Leaking coolant fluid would make a big mess.

Next came the electronics. Dail patched up droid's head to ship's onboard computer before running diagnostics; she wasn't proficient with computers and struggled each time when she had to do it, so she found a way to ease her burden. Ship computer reported malfunctions within several key components: learning chip and droid processor brain, something she predicted. With some intricate working around she used a tuning stylus and a micropoint to open the access panel in order to reach central unit. From there she deactivated lower level functions and proceeded to remove the cover plating. Pile of faulty components was growing; vocabulator had to be replaced, learning chip and droid brain were not on optimal levels… There was so much work to be done and Dail loved it.

Modified Intellex V droid brain came in first. She paid a hefty price for it, but it was worth it; several high-level cognitive function she wished for wouldn't be possible without it. Upon installation Dail used micro-insertion logic probed to calibrate it. Several long seconds later, while consulting the ship computer, she was satisfied with her work. Next was central learning chip. Before activating it there were several steps to take, every of them illegal under certain governments, but Dail didn't care. This R-2 unit was hers and she decided to do it. Using the micropoint tool, she removed the creativity damper. It was an intricate task, but nothing compared to what she had planned next.

She noticed that previous owner abused the droid heavily. "That won't happen again" – she thought as she picked up the servodriver and proceeded to remove life preservation module. Once done she ran the computer once again, in order to purge the programming from the droid brain before restarting the system. Several minutes were spent on patching the software systems online and she took back the armor platings as the system booted. Servodriver saw heavier use as she compiled the R-2 unit and left it to update with information from ship's computer.

Few more hours and she will have a new droid for herself.




… Unknown components found …
… Cognitive functions upgraded … Systems nominal: activating …


"Use your vocabulator, R2."

... 0111011001101111011000110110000101100010011101010110110001100001011101000110111101110010001000000110011001101111011101010110111001100100
who are you

"My name is Dail. I am your new owner."

will you hit me

"No one will hit you ever again, R2." … facial expression …system query: image search … emotion connection: chagrin, anger …

are you angry with me … "No, R2, I am disappointed at the treatment you received so far." … facial expression … system query: image search … smile …
… systems check … ERROR: creativity damper missing … ERROR: life preservation module missing … system query: instructions: missing …

helpwhat to do
"You can do whatever you want R2. You are free of constricted commands. What do you want to do?"
i don't know … system query: search: purpose … define: purpose … define: life … define: death …

i can kill
"Yes, I removed your life preservation module and purged your droid brain's software, as well. You can kill, if you want."
… system query: define: want … define: give …system query: image search: give … define: friend …
are you my friend
"Not yet, R2. Legally, I am your owner, but I hope to be your friend one day… Can you move?"
… systems nominal … yes, i can move
"Come, let me show you my ship."
yes, owner
"No, not owner. My name is Dail."
yes, dail … system query: search: name …
do i have a name
"Do you want one?" … yes … "So, you too would like to have a name, just like me?"
"R2-U2.. Has a ring to it, doesn't it?"
yes … system clasification: R2-U2